


Chemical Activity Barometer

The Chemical Activity Barometer was flat in June following a 0.2 percent gain in May, and a 0.3 percent gain in April.


Chemistry is Essential

Chemistry is the bedrock of American manufacturing and is essential2 to a better world. It plays a vital role in the creation of products that make our world healthier, safer, more sustainable and more productive.


Chemistry in Your State

Chemistry supports economic development and job creation in all 50 states. See how chemistry impacts your state.


ACC Launches Center to Support Companies and New Chemical Safety Act

The Center is a scientific, technical and advocacy hub that will assist companies with the implementation of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act.

The American Chemistry Council's (ACC's) mission is to deliver business value through exceptional advocacy using best-in-class member performance, political engagement, communications and scientific research.

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Since 1988, Responsible Care has helped American Chemistry Council member companies move us toward a safer, more sustainable future.