Formed in 2005, the Nanotechnology Panel of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) is composed of companies with business interests in the products and applications of nanotechnology. The Panel advocates for responsible development of nanotechnology, sound approaches to nanotechnology policy and for research on potential health and environmental issues associated with nanotechnology.
The Panel’s vision is to be the primary forum and leading advocate for the responsible development of nanotechnology among manufacturers and users.
The Nanotechnology Panel’s Mission is to:
Promote the responsible development of nanotechnology by advancing knowledge of good product stewardship practices among nanomaterial producers and users.
Support the development of appropriate, science- and risk-based regulations, nomenclature and definitions for nanotechnology that foster safety and innovation.
Engage with other stakeholders to address environmental, health and safety issues regarding nanotechnology and respond to public concerns.
Support research needed to assess and manage potential health and environmental risks associated with nanoscale materials.
Engage in public outreach highlighting innovative and sustainable applications and improving public awareness of societal benefits of nanotechnology.
The Panel will conduct activities in a transparent manner and promote open dialogue with stakeholders to achieve its mission.