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Research: Rick Becker, Ph.D., DABT
Media: Patrick Hurston

The Long-Range Research Initiative (LRI) of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) promotes innovations in chemical safety assessment. It invests in science essential for understanding the impact of chemicals on human health and the environment.

With a focus on biologically-relevant exposures, LRI adopts an integrated approach to exposure and hazard characterization to promote a shift in focus away from development of safety assessments based solely on hazard or exposure data.

Through integration and translation of its research outcomes, LRI transforms this information into knowledge that can inform decisions and policies about the safety of chemicals relevant to current environmental and public health challenges.

The LRI Program—Science to Inform Policy

Fast Facts:

  • The focus of LRI research is catalyzing innovations for toxicity testing and exposure science in the 21st Century.

  • LRI’s Principles ensure that the funded research meets the highest standards for scientific excellence, transparency, and fair and unbiased conduct.

  • LRI research advances efforts to reduce the use of animals in chemical toxicity testing.

  • ACC's Research Catalog is a new, easily searchable web-based catalog of LRI projects and research publications.

  • Beyond research, LRI promotes bench-to-policy translation of science.

  • Annual ICCA-LRI workshops provide dynamic forums to examine emerging issues in chemical safety among multi-stakeholder audiences.

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