Communication is an integral part of the LRI program. Through the LRI, ACC members sponsor independent scientific research and openly communicate the results to the public, the scientific community and government regulators through a variety of media approaches, including peer-reviewed publications, workshops, conferences and the Internet. The following list provides a summary of LRI’s communication resources.
- LRI Perspectives and LRI Beacons. These two series provide concise research and impact summaries intended for audiences without specific technical expertise in the topics covered.
- Workshops and Conferences. LRI co-sponsors workshops and conferences with scientific societies, international organizations, and government agencies. In addition, LRI and its International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) partners organize workshops to foster interactions among researchers and stakeholders, to stimulate discussions that can improve the scientific basis for policy-making and to support consensus building that can advance the risk assessment process.
- LRI Peer-Reviewed Publications Database. LRI strongly encourages publication of the results from its funded research so that the findings are open and available to all. LRI investigators are solely responsible for all publications and presentations concerning their research results; the LRI explicitly imposes no review requirements or approval rights. Brief descriptions of the research projects funded by LRI and the citations for publications resulting from each project are available through the Research Abstracts link below.
- Research Abstracts. Investigators annually provide LRI with abstracts that briefly describe their projects and the publications related to their research. Because research is an iterative, international process, these abstracts provide a venue for exchange of current research findings and information.