Leveraging High-Throughput Genomic Tools for Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment
Wetmore, Barbara
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
The “Fruit and Veggie” Study: Putting ToxCast into Context
Wetmore, Barbara
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Human Phenomonitoring Pilot Project
Wetmore, Barbara
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Reverse Causality of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Clewell, Harvey J. III
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Developing, Applying and Evaluating Models for Rapid Screening Level Chemical Exposure and Risk Assessment
Arnot, Jon
ARC Arnot Research & Consulting Inc.
Validation of Miniaturized Particulate-Matter Samplers for PAH Expsoures
Yan, Beizhan
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
An Ontology for Risk Assessment - Extension of an Exposure Ontology Curation Structured on the Exposome Concept
McKone, Thomas E.
University of California, Berkeley
Risk Assessment Tools: Some Legacy Products
Kimbell, Julia S.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Tools for Interpreting Biomonitoring Data
Tan, Cecilia
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Human Relevance of Developmental Responses to a Class of Endocrine Disruptors
Gaido, Kevin W.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Developing Bioinformatic Tools for Analyzing Genomic Data for Chemical Risk Assessment
Thomas, Russell
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Toxicogenomics, Dose-Dependent Transitions, and Quantitative Risk Assessment: Phase II
Zhang, Qiang
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
New Methods for Evaluation of Exposure Data Measured as Mixtures
Schisterman, Enrique F.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
New Methods for Interpretation of Exposure Data Subject to Limit of Detection
Schisterman, Enrique F.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Pharmacokinetics of the Phytoestrogen Genistein During Pregnancy and Lactation
Borghoff, Susan
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Centers for Integrated Genomics
Gaido, Kevin W.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Impact of Two Mechanistic Pathways on Nanomaterial Risk
Moss, Owen R.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Functional Genomics, Dose-Dependent Transitions, and Quantitative Risk Assessment
Zhang, Qiang
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Development of Aerosol Generation Systems for Nanoparticle Research
Wong, Brian A.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Toxicogenomic Analysis of Irritant Gas (IG)-Induced Airway Epithelial Toxicity
Chen, Yin
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Identifying Gene Expression Biomarkers to Predict Rodent Cancer Bioassays
Thomas, Russell
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Development of a Risk Assessment for Dibutylphthalate
Clewell, Harvey
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Developing Data Based Defaults for Risk Assessments
Clewell, Harvey
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Olfactory Transport and Systemic Delivery of Inhaled Nanoparticles
Dorman, David C.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
PBPK Tools for Interpreting Biomonitoring Studies
Clewell, Harvey
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Pharmacokinetics of the Phytoestrogen Genistein During Pregnancy and Lactation
Borghoff, Susan
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Chemical Modulations on Dose-Response of Nuclear Receptor-Mediated Cell Functions
You, Li
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Computational Investigation of Dose Response for MAPK-Regulated Steroid Hormone-Mediated Gene Expression
Conolly, Rory
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Systems Biology Approaches for Dose-Response Assessments – An Example with an Androgen Synthesis Inhibitor
Andersen, Melvin E.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Respiratory Toxicity of Inhaled Carbon Nanotubes
Bonner, James C.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Topics in Epidemiologically-Based Risk Assessment
Ryan, Louise
Harvard School of Public Health
From Sources to Biomarkers: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Human exposure Modeling
Cressie, Noel A.
Ohio State University
Ambient, Indoor, Personal, and Breath Concentrations of Volatile Organic Air Toxics among Populations in Industrial, Urban, and Suburban Neighborhoods
Batterman, Stuart
University of Michigan
Biomarkers in Human Benzene Exposure
Garte, Seymour
University of Pittsburgh
Health Effects of Inhaled Particles: Biomarkers of Total Lung Response
Moss, Owen R.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Particulate-Induced Pulmonary Pathobiology in Compromised Animals
Everitt, Jeff
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Particulate-induced Pulmonary Injury
Everitt, Jeff
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Developmental Neurotoxicity of Endocrine Active Compounds
Dorman, David C.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Testis phthalate target cell identification
Johnson, Kamin
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Methods and Applications of Functional Genomics to Health Effects Research
Thomas, Russell
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Vulnerability of the Developing Brain to Endocrine-Active Compounds
Polston, Eva K.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Exposure Demographics and Databases White Paper
Boyce, Catherine Petito
Gradient Corporation
Methods for Assessing Matrix Effects on Oral and Dermal Absorption and Dermal Contact and Transfer
Laurenson, James P.
ICF Consulting, Inc.
Microenvironmental Modeling
Koontz, Michael D.
Geomet Technologies, Inc.
Evaluation of Bisphenol A in Male and Female Rats
Welsch, Frank
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Development and Validation of Field-Deployable Methods for Measuring Avian Exposure To and Reproductive Effects of Exogenous Estrogen
Brewer, Larry
Parametrix, Inc.
Diagnostic Evaluation and Refinement of Procedures for Modeling Exposures to VOCs
Georgopoulous, Panos G.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute
Development of a Genetically-modified Mouse Model of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Everitt, Jeff
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Mechanism of Peroxisome Proliferator-Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis
Corton, J. Christopher
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Distinguishing Modes-of-Action for Chemically-Induced Male Rat Renal Carcinogens
Borghoff, Susan
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Genetic Risk Assessment for Ethylene Oxide
Recio, Leslie
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Role of cytochrome P450s in the metabolism and effects of low molecular weight alkenes
Sumner, Susan
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Use of Microsomal Epoxide Hydrolase (mEH) and NADP(H) Quinone Oxido-reductase Null Mice to Evaluate the Role of Specific Metabolic and Detoxification Steps in Altering Benzene Induced Toxicity
Recio, Leslie
CIIT Centers for Health Research
LRI Annual Science Meeting Program and Abstracts
Assessing Human Exposure to Hazardous Air Pollutants in Various Microenvironments
Bennett, Deborah
University of California, Davis (formerly at Harvard School of Public Health)
Detection of Endogenous and Exogenously Derived Ethylene Oxide DNA Adducts using 14C and 3H-accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Brown, Karen
University of Leicester
Integration of Habitat Models Database with a Spatially Explicit Wildlife Foraging Model
Kaputska, Lawrence A
Ecological Planning and Toxicology (EP&T;)
Analysis of North Atlantic Aircraft Data on Oxygenated Intermediate Species Using an Adapted Regional Chemistry-Transport Model
Chatfield, Robert
NASA Ames Research Center
LRI Annual Science Meeting Program and Abstract Book
Surrogate Markers of In Utero Exposure to Xenobiotics
Foster, Warren G.
McMaster University
The National Environmental Respiratory Center: Disentangling the Health Effects of Complex Mixtures of Air Contaminants
Mauderly, J.
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, NM
Mechanisms of Arsenic Toxicity in Vascular Development
Coffin, J. Douglas
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Montana
Statistical Issues in Modeling Pregnancy Outcome Data
Buck, Germaine M. PhD.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Studies of Chemical Workers: A Revised Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Rushton, Lesley
MRC Institute for Environment and Health, UK
Field Deployable Methods for Monitoring Endocrine Effects in Birds
Brewer, Larry
Springborn Smithers Laboratories
Literature Survey (and Analysis) on Chemical Interactions (Synergism and Antagonism) and Development of Strategies for Dose-response Analysis of Chemical Interactions
Borgert, Christopher
Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology, Inc.
The Impact of Synthetic Xenoestrogen Mixtures Relative to Background Phytoestrogen Exposures
Carney, Edward W.
Dow Chemical Co.
Uncertainty Analysis in Ecological Risk Assessment
Warren-Hicks, William J.
Cadmus Group
ACC/SETAC Early Career Award
Shine, James P. PhD.
Harvard University
Innovative Experimental Techniques to Help Understand Exposure to Volatile Organic Air Toxics
Jeffries, Harvey
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Integration of the Statewide Air Pollution Research Center (SAPRC) Chemical Mechanism in the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emission (SMOKE) - Emissions Processor for the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ)/Models-3 Airshed Model
Houyoux, Marc
Comparison of Empirical and Mechanistic Models to Identify Relevant Toxicodynamic Interactions Between Chemicals in a Mixture
Freidig, Andreas P.
TNO Nutrition and Food Research, Zeist, The Netherlands
Biomarkers of Breast Cancer
Foster, Warren G.
McMaster University
Biomarkers of Exposure to Hexamethylene Diisocyanate
Nylander-French, Leena A.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Statistical Methods for Evaluating Exposure-Biomarker Relationships
Rappaport, Stephen M.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Evaluating Developmental Events in Animal Models and Humans
MacLusky, Neil J.
Columbia University, New York
Genomic Approach to Phthalate Action on Fetal Testes
Gaido, Kevin W.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Diethylstilbestrol and Uterine Development
Ma, Liang
Washington University
Neurotoxicant Disruption of Astroglial Differentiation
Zacharewski, Timothy
Michigan State University
Role of Genomic Imprinting in Developmental Neurotoxicity
Silbergeld, Ellen
Johns Hopkins University
Microarray Analysis of Limb Bud Reaction to Teratogen Exposure
Scott, William
Children's Hospital Medical Center (Cincinnati, OH)
Toxicogenomics of Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium
Ruden, Douglas
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Cyclic Nucleotides and the Response to Sonic Hedgehog
Roelink, Henk
University of Washington
Arsenic Embryotoxicity: Cellular and Molecular Toxicity
Pisano, Michele M.
University of Louisville
A Proteomic Approach to the Identification of Protein Mixtures
Mirkes, Philip
University of Washington
Mechanism of Organophosphate Development Neurotoxicity
Lein, Pamela
Oregon Health & Science University
Oxidative Stress, Apoptosis, and Germ Cell Development
Hannink, Mark
University of Missouri - Columbia
Toxicant Target Genes in Xenopus and Zebrafish Embryos
Green, Jeremy B.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Cross Talk in Retinoid Teratology in Neural Crest
Colbert, Melissa
Children's Hospital Medical Center (Cincinnati, OH)
Relative Susceptibility of the Developing and Maternal Immune Systems to Immunosuppression by Dexamethasone
Luebke, Robert W.
Development of a Reptile Egg Screening Assay for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
Talent, Larry G.
Oklahoma State University
A Diagnostic Approach for Identifying Biological Impairment and Dominant Stressors
Burton, G. Allen
Wright State University
Development of Physiologically Based Dosimetry Models for the Perinatal Period
Dorman, David C.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Dosimetry of Inhaled Particles in Children
Asgharian, Bahman
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Biology and Dosimetry of Nanoparticles
Asgharian, Bahman
CIIT Centers for Health Research
CIIT Center for Computational Biology and Extrapolation Modeling (CCBEM)
Conolly, Rory
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Toxicogenomic Approaches to Particle-Induced Lung Disease
Everitt, Jeff
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis in the Developing Male Reproductive Tract
Kleymenova, Elena
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Developmental Pharmacokinetics of Di(n-Butyl) Phthalate
Borghoff, Susan
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Life-Stage-Inclusive Pharmacokinetic Tools for Predicting Local and Systemic Androgen Concentrations in Male Rats
Andersen, Melvin E.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Risk Assessment Approaches for Chlorine and Other Respiratory Tract Irritant Gases
Andersen, Melvin E.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Olfactory Toxicity of Hydrogen Sulfide
Dorman, David C.
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Dosimetry of Inhaled Irritant Gases and Vapors in the Respiratory Tract: Epithelial Tissue
Kimbell, Julia S.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Dose Response for Steroid Hormone-Mediated Gene Expression
Conolly, Rory
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Cumulative Risk of Pesticides
Clewell, Harvey
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Computational Modeling of Chloroform Cytolethality and Regenerative Proliferation
Clewell, Harvey
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Role of Steroid Ligand Transformation in Chemical-Caused Alterations of Endocrine Functions
You, Li
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models to Investigate Gender- and Age-Specific Dosimetry for Use in Risk Assessment
Clewell, Harvey
ENVIRON International
Susceptibility of the Developing Immune System to Immunosuppressive Agents
Dietert, Rodney R.
Cornell University
Design of a Comprehensive Chemical Exposure Framework and Identification of Research Gaps in Microenvironment Modeling and Exposure
Whelan, Gene
Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division
Comprehensive Chemical Exposure Framework (CCEF)
Price, Paul S.
The LifeLine Group
Development and Validation of Field-Deployable Methods for Measuring Avian Exposure To and Reproductive Effects of Exogenous Estrogen
Brewer, Larry
Springborn Smithers Laboratories
Applications and Limitations of Air Dispersion Modeling in Ecological Exposure Assessment
Johnson, David
University of Oklahoma
Quantification of Molecular Markers in Samples of Fine Particulate Matter from Houston
Fraser, Matt
Environmental Science and Engineering Departmnet, Rice University
An Evaluation of Gene-Environment Interactions Using the Case-only Research Design
Fallin, M. Danielle
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Epidemiology
A Computer Simulation Model of Dynamic Interactions Among VOC Hematotoxins in Bone Marrow
Cox, Louis Anthony
Cox Associates, Inc.
Absolute Neuron Numbers and their Variability: Relevance for Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing
de Groot, Didima M.G.
TNO Nutrition and Food Research
Fate and Influence of Natural Ecotoxins in Terrestrial Ecosystems (FINITE)
Hartley-Whitaker, Jeanette
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Extrapolation Practice for Ecological Effect Characterization of Chemicals
Solomon, Keith
University of Guelph
Investigation of Chemical Mixtures in the Upper Ocklawaha River Basin: Reproduction, Development and Endocrine Status in Alligators, Fish, and Mussel
Borgert, Christopher
Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology, Inc.
Non-Linear Dose Response Relationships for Developmental Responses: An Example with Defeminization by Estrogenic Xenobiotics
Handa, Robert J.
Colorado State University
The Influence of Serum Binding Proteins on the Comparative Receptor Binding Potency of Endocrine-Active Compounds
Teeguarden, Justin
Environ Corporation
Mechanisms of Olfactory Transport of Inhaled Metals
Dorman, David C.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Mechanisms of Tumorigenicity by Cytotoxicants
Kedderis, Gregory L.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Regional Particle Deposition in the Nasal Passages of Rats, Primates, and Humans
Kimbell, Julia S.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Exposure-Dose Models for Inhaled Particles
Asgharian, Bahman
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Interspecies Differences in Nasal Anatomy, Airflow, and Uptake
Kimbell, Julia S.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Pulmonary Responses of Fischer 344 Rats, B6C3F1 Mice, and Syrian Golden Hamsters Exposed by Inhalation to Pigmentary and Ultrafine Titanium Dioxide Particles
Everitt, Jeff
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Animal Model of Susceptibility: Effects of Exposure to Ultrafine Carbon Black Particles on Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Mice
Everitt, Jeff
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Mechanistic Determinants of Chlorine Dosimetry and Pathobiology
Jarabek, Annie M.
A New Cancer Risk Assessment for Formaldehyde
Conolly, Rory
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Hydrogen Sulfide Olfactory Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics
Dorman, David C.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Pathogenesis of Testicular Lesions Induced by Late Gestational Exposure to Di(n-butyl) Phthalate
Foster, Paul
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Effects of Antiandrogenic-Like Chemicals on Fetal Testicular Function and Consequence to Adults
Foster, Paul
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Impact of Phytoestrogens on Susceptibility to Synthetic Endocrine-Active Compounds
You, Li
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Biology and Toxicology of Estrogen Receptor Beta
Gaido, Kevin W.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Dibutylphthalate Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant Rats
Fennell, Timothy R.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Cellular and Molecular Targets during Androgen-Mediated Male Reproductive Tract Development
Gaido, Kevin W.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Effects of Di (n-butyl) phthalate on Reproductive Development
Foster, Paul
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Characterization of Chemical Interactions with the Estrogen and Androgen Steroid Hormone Receptors
Gaido, Kevin W.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Extension of a Dosimetry Model for Genistein to Pregnant Rats
Schlosser, Paul M.
Prediction of Human Metabolism Kinetics from in vitro Studies
Kedderis, Gregory L.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Relevance of the p53 (+/-) Transgenic Model in Assessing Carcinogenic Potential
Butterworth, Byron
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Inhalation Cancer Bioassays of Benzene in Tg.AC and p53+/- Mice
Recio, Leslie
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Relevance of Chemically-Induced Mouse Liver Tumor Induction
Corton, J. Christopher
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Exposure, Adducts, and Internal Dose
Fennell, Timothy R.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Effects of Inter-Individual Differences in Human Nasal Anatomy on Respiratory Tract Airflow and Inhaled Gas Uptake
Kimbell, Julia S.
CIIT Centers for Health Research
Incorporation of Quantitative Information on Genetic Polymorphisms Into Human Health Risk Assessment
Sultatos, Lester G.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ (UMDNJ), New Jersey Medical School
Modeling Inter- and Intra-Individual Variation in Physiological Factors Used in PBPK Models
Price, Paul S.
Linea, Inc.
Using Data on Human Polymorphisms and Variability in Risk Assessment
Dourson, Michael
Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA)
An Analysis of the Need for an Additional Toxicokinetic Uncertainty Factor for Neonates
Renwick, Andrew G.
University of Southhampton, Clinical Pharmacology Group
Interactions of Organophosphorus Insecticides with Cholinesterase During Simultaneous or Sequential Exposures
Chambers, Janice E.
Mississippi State University
Expanding Data Analysis and Meta-Analysis for Risk Assessment of Non-Cancer Endpoints
Brown, Kennth G.
KBinc and Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc.
Species Differences in Biological Parameters and Their Role in Extrapolating Biologically-Based Carcinogenesis Models from Animals to Humans
Rhomberg, Lorenz R.
Gradient Corporation
Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models to Investigate Gender- and Age-Specific Dosimetry for Use in Risk Assessment
Clewell, Harvey
ENVIRON International
Biologically-Based Dose-Response Modeling for Non-Linear and Threshold Effects with Receptor-Mediated Processes: An Example with Protein Induction in Hepatocytes
Hanneman, William
Colorado State University
Cytokine Gene Expression is an Accurate Predictor of Allergen-Induced Respiratory Hypersensitivity
Kaminski, Norbert E.
Michigan State University
Characterization of an Approach to Developmental Immunotoxicology Assessment in the Rat Using SRBC as the Antigen
Ladics, Gregory S.
Haskell Laboratories, E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
Developmental Immunotoxicology Assessment in the Rat: Age, Gender and Strain Considerations
Dietert, Rodney R.
Cornell University
Novel Predictors of Respiratory Allergy to Chemicals
Kobzik, Lester
Harvard School of Public Health
Inventory of Chemical Worker Health Studies
Whorton, M. Donald
Whorton, Inc.
Physiological-Based Model For Estradiol Pharmacokinetics in Rats and Humans
Plowchalk, David R.
DuPont Haskell Laboratory for Health and Biomedical Science
Evaluation of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Models of Pregnancy and Lactation for Assessing Dosimetry in the Embryo, Fetus, and Newborn
Corley, Richard A.
Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division
Assessment of Interactions Between Synthetic Xenoestrogens and Dietary Phytoestrogens: A Focus on Real World Mixture Exposures
Grantley, Charles D.
The Dow Company
Evaluation of Eastern Fence Lizards, Sceloporus undulatus, and Western Fence Lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis, as Reptile Models for Assessment of Endocrine-Mediated Toxicity
Talent, Larry G.
Oklahoma State University
Development and Validation of Field-Deployable Methods for Measuring Avian Exposure To and Reproductive Effects of Exogenous Estrogen
Brewer, Larry
Springborn Smithers Laboratories
Effects of a Synthetic Estrogen on Aquatic Populations: A Whole Ecosystem Study
Kidd, Karen
Freshwater Inst., Dep. of Fisheries & Ocean Canada
Plant Uptake Models and Food Webs: Relating Body Burdens to Key Variables
Kaputska, Lawrence A
Ecological Planning and Toxicology (EP&T;)
Assessing the Linkage between Tissue Residues and Adverse Effects
Barron, Mace G.
Stratus Consulting
Evaluating Habitat Use to Improve Exposure Assessment in Ecological Risk Assessments
Kaputska, Lawrence A
Ecological Planning and Toxicology (EP&T;)
Toward the Rational Integration of Human and Environmental Considerations into Public and Private Decision-making Processes: The Emmitsburg Plan
Fava, James A.
Five Winds International
Uncertainty Analysis in Ecological Risk Assessment
Warren-Hicks, William J.
A Survey of Prospective Technologies for Collecting Human Activity Data: Field Evaluation of Passive Photographic Diary System
Johnson, Ted
TRJ Environmental, Inc.
Chemical Workers in the U.S. and Western Europe: A Meta-analysis of Cohort Studies Describing Mortality and Cancer Incidence
Greenburg, Raymond S.
Medical University of South Carolina
A Multi-Endpoint Strategy for Determining Mechanism of Action of Thyroid Active Chemicals
Degitz, Sigmund J.
US EPA, National Health and Environmental Effects
The Effect of Pre- and Postnatal Diethylstilbestrol Treatment on Developmental Landmarks in Rats
Ashby, John
Sygenta Central Toxicology Laboratory, ALderly Park, Macclesfield, Chesire
Improvements in Applications of Models in Ecological Risk Assessment
Pastorok, Robert
Predicting Organic Nitrate Yields in Photochemical Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds by Ab Initio Electronic and Semi-Classical Dynamics Calculations
Lohr, Lawrence L.
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Model Evaluation of the Budget of Odd Nitrogen Compound in the Eastern U.S. Using the CMAQ Model
Tonnesen, Gail S.
University of California, Riverside
Comparison of Three Models for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in the Atmosphere
Seigneur, Christian
Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.
A Literature Review of the Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols
Mazurek, Monica
Rutgers University
Development of In Vitro-To-In Vivo (IVIVE) Extrapolation Methods for Chemical Disposition
Clewell, Harvey J. III
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Assessing the Exposure-Dose-Toxicity Relationship Within the EPA’s ToxCast™ Program – Project Extension
Wetmore, Barbara
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Development and Validation of Organotypic In Vitro Models of the Liver for Toxicity Testing
LeCluyse, Edward
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Application of Genomics in Chemical Risk Assessment—An NCEA-Hamner Collaboration
Wetmore, Barbara
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Human Phenomonitoring Pilot Project
Wetmore, Barbara
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Reverse Causality of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Clewell, Harvey J. III
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
Incorporating Dosimetry and Exposure Considerations in Interpretation of ToxCast™ Data: Initial Approaches
Hays, Sean
Summit Toxicology
Characterizing Risks of Chemicals Exhibiting Extensive Low Dose Clearance in the Gut, Liver, and Blood: Dietary Chlorpyrifos as a Case Example
Price, Paul S.
Dow Chemical Co.
Investigation of the Application of Innovative Risk Assessment Approaches for Receptor-Mediated Endpoints: A Case Study with DEHP (Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate)
Shipp, Annette M.
ENVIRON International
Validation Studies of the Intact Adult Rat Male Screening Assay (IAMRSA)
Borghoff, Susan
Integrated Laboratory Systems, INC.
Further Validation Studies of the Intact Adult Male Rat Screening Assay (IAMRSA) for Two Chemicals
Tyl, Rochelle W.
RTI International
New Study Designs and Methods to Evaluate Gene and Environmental Chemical Interaction Data
Schisterman, Enrique F.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
New Study Designs for Interpretation of Chemical Exposure Data
Schisterman, Enrique F.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Intra-Individual Variability in Biomarker Concentrations: Phase 1 - Literature Review and Manuscript
Hays, Sean
Summit Toxicology
Biomarkers of Cumulative Exposure
Rappaport, Stephen M.
University of California, Berkeley
Advancing Exposure Models to Capture a Broad Continuum of Exposure Scenarios
Bennett, Deborah
University of California, Davis
USEtox Prioritization Indices for Chemical Exposure from Consumer Products (USEtoxPI)
Jolliet, Olivier
University of Michigan
Facilitating the Centralization and Integration of Exposure Data through Exposure Ontology Development and Expanded Accessibility to Exposure Studies
Mattingly, Carolyn
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory
An Exposure Ontology Curation Structured on the Exposome Concept
McKone, Thomas E.
University of California, Berkeley