The Chlorine Science Center is your gateway to other great educational resources on the web. Following is a list of other great web sites, sorted by general category. Check them out!
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General | Publications | Museums | For Teachers | For Students
- The American Chemical Society—Promoting excellence in science education and community outreach, including National Chemistry Week.
- Chemical Educational Foundation -- The site is dedicated to serving the public interest as a primary national resource for conducting research and educational programs for proper distribution practices and the safe handling, use, storage, transportation, disposal, and recycling of chemical products.
-—The Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council introduces the ultimate online scientific investigation resource for teachers and students. is a site that empowers teachers to introduce basic chemistry principles to students, while helping teachers accomplish some of the goals set by the NSES.
- Web Elements—Maintained by Mark Winter, a professor at the University of Sheffield in England, Web Elements features an interactive periodic table which allows users to learn more about the elements.
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- Environmental News Network—The Environmental News Network is the premier source for science and environmental news on the Internet.
- North American Association of Environmental Education—This site features a list of environmental education and classroom resources, as well as information about grants, obtaining funding, and conducting workshops.
- Project Learning Tree—Like PLT itself, this web site is designed to help students gain awareness and knowledge of the natural and built environment, their place within it, as well as their responsibility for it.
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General Science
- National Science Teacher Association—This site contains message boards and on-line periodicals, as well as information about joining NSTA and NSTA's extensive resources.
- Science Education for Public Understanding Program—SEPUP designs, develops and disseminates issue-oriented science education materials that promote scientific literacy and the use of evidence and tradeoffs in public decision-making.
- Science Friday Kids Connection—Brought to you by National Public Radio and Kidsnet, with funding from Toyota, the NEA, and others, this site provides background information and experiments on science issues which are in the news.
- Science Toys You Can Make with Your Kids—Make toys at home with common household materials, often in only a few minutes, which demonstrate fascinating scientific principles.
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- A Guided Tour of the Visible Human—This site consists of some 9,000 digitized sections of the body. The site was compiled by the Children and Technology Committee of the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association.
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Space and Astronomy
- NASA—The NASA site contains the latest information about the U.S. space program. This general NASA site also links to other NASA sites on issues such as the MIR Space Station and the Mars Lunar Probe, as well as to the agency's many educational resources.
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- Education World—Supported by the National Education Association, Education World strives to be the complete educator's resource guide to the internet. The site covers all academic disciplines and has on-line experiments, teacher forums, articles, etc.
- Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC)—This site, supported by the U.S. department of Education and National Library of Education, is the world's largest database of educational materials. Teachers also can obtain answers to questions about educational research and practices from the AskERIC website.
- Web Projects Homepage—Allows learners and teachers to participate in E-mail projects in addition to providing educational projects.
- The Gateway—The Gateway provides the key to one-stop, any-stop access to high quality Internet lesson plans, curriculum units and other education resources.
- Discovery Education: Free Student Resources—This site gives students access to on-line resources for history, social studies, current events, foreign languages, math, and science.
- Let's Go!: Around the World—This site includes more than 500 pages that take students on "Great Learning Adventures" to the Amazon rain forest and Africa, and provides teachers with "Curriculum Connections" pages linking site content to the math, science and social studies curriculums.
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- Education Week—Education Week considers itself as the place on the World Wide Web for people interested in education reforms, schools, and the policies that guide them.
- New Scientist Planet Science—The site contains articles from New Scientist magazine as well as an extensive collection of science news and resources.
- Scientific American—The site contains articles from Scientific American magazine as well as an extensive collection of science news and resources.
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- Children's Science Museum—The site is a public science museum and a center for teacher education, research, and curriculum development at the University of California, Berkeley.
- The Field Museum of Natural History—The Field Museum web site gives users an on-line preview of both permanent and temporary exhibits, and contains a special section which aids students and teachers visiting the actual museum in Chicago.
- The Natural History Museum—This comprehensive site contains extensive scientific information on a variety of disciplines, as well as educational materials tailored specifically for students and teachers.
- Smithsonian Institute—This huge site features general information about events and resources at the Smithsonian, and also contains links to all the museums that make up the Institute. Each museum has its own homepage and all the sites have great education materials.
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For Teachers
- Video: Using Chlorine Bleach Safely in a School Environment—This video series is aimed at demonstrating proper cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting practices in schools.
- Community Learning Network—This site is designed to help K-12 teachers integrate technology into their classrooms.
- ED's Oasis—ED's Oasis includes teacher support for classroom Internet use. Uses a set of research-based evaluation guidelines to pick the best web sites for classroom use.
- Global School House—The Global School House is a site for students, teachers and parents to access educational resources and share information.
- I Love Teaching—This On-Line resource is aimed at providing support to young teachers and those currently studying to be teachers.
- Teacher's Edition Online—This is a teacher resource that helps educators use technology in their classroom. The site also has great ideas about curriculum resources.
-— features a large chat area on a variety of topics and also contains a variety of classroom resources and teacher support services.
- Teachers Helping Teachers—Teachers Helping Teachers aims to provide young teachers with materials for their classroom and to give more experienced teachers a forum to share ideas and methods.
- The Teacher's Network—The Teachers Network is a resource center for teachers and is run by Impact, with funding from large companies such as Exxon.
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For Students
- Homework Help—Homework Help includes features to help students make the most of their study time and deal with other school related issues.
- Student Web Pages—This site includes a tutorial for students who want to publish educational projects on the web, with step by step directions for making personal pages.
- Surfing the Net with Kids—This site features Internet sites for kids reviewed, rated and organized by topic.
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