Chemical Information Technology

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Panel: Bill Gulledge
Media: Bryan Goodman

Information technology (IT)—the hardware and software required for the processing of data and other information—is the backbone of nearly every aspect of today’s modern society. IT is responsible for the computers and phones on our desks, iPods in our pockets and televisions in our living rooms. ATMs, cash registers and today’s cars all run on IT.

The chemical sector uses information technology to streamline the delivery of products and services. Reliable information technology is key to engineering new scientific and chemical developments, managing the supply chain, executing processes in plants, maintaining productivity in offices, storing employee benefit and payroll information and securing business and manufacturing control systems. As technology continues to advance, so will the chemical industry’s use of IT to improve the way it conducts business.

The Chemical Information Technology Center (ChemITC®) of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) is a forum for companies in and associated with ACC to address common IT issues. Through strategic programs and networking groups dedicated to addressing specific technology issues, ChemITC is committed to advancing the use of information technology to streamline processes, improve decision-making and support individual company business objectives.


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Jobs and Economic Impact

The business of chemistry provides 811,000 skilled, good-paying American jobs—earning 44 percent more than the average manufacturing pay.