Science & ResearchACC is investing in research to improve understanding of how chemicals impact health and the environment.
CPTD Panel GroupsThe Chemical Products and Technology Division (CPTD) represents more than 80 self-funded, chemical-specific groups focused on the business of chemistry.
Mar 18, 2020Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource CenterView activities underway by the chemical industry and to help provide resources to address and fight the impacts of COVID-19.
The Importance of Building Resilient CommunitiesImproving resiliency in the built environment will require innovations and investment in material and building science, public policy that prioritizes updated, modern building codes, and engagement from all sectors, from businesses to lawmakers to community members.
American Chemistry MattersA blog of the American Chemistry Council: driving innovation, creating jobs, and enhancing safety.
Fact Sheets The business of chemistry touches 96% of manufactured goods, explore below to learn more about the business of chemistry.
Chemistry By The Numbers Chemistry is essential to our economy and plays a vital role in the creation of ground-breaking products.
Responsible Care By The Numbers Responsible Care is the chemical industry's world-class environmental, health, safety, and security performance initiative.
Plastic Packaging Alternatives When comparing materials throughout the entire life cycle of a package, plastics leave a much smaller environmental footprint than alternatives.
Lautenberg Chemical Safety For the 21st Century Act A more effective way to regulate chemicals in commerce.
US Chemical Industry Support of USMCA The new agreement will enable U.S. chemicals manufacturers to create a North American model for chemical regulation.
Facts about EO A versatile chemical building block, ethylene oxide is primarily used in industrial manufacturing operations to make other chemicals.