Tag Archives: Shale

Help wanted! The natural gas revival creates demand for skilled workers

Millions of Americans are looking for work in these difficult economic times, so news of a labor shortage might come off as a bit of a paradox. But that’s the reality for parts of America’s robust manufacturing sector, where the shale gas boom has created huge demand for workers, but, in some cases, not enough […]

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Manufacturing is poised to remake our future, McKinsey study shows

Despite the Great Recession, manufacturing worldwide not only survives, but thrives, accounting for approximately 16 percent of global gross domestic product and 14 percent of employment. “Globally, manufacturing continues to grow,” sparking innovation and competitiveness, while driving research and development, exports, and productivity growth in the developed world, according to a new study by the […]

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U.S. energy future depends on natural gas and energy efficiency, according to World Energy Outlook

The U.S. is in store for a bright energy future achieved by enhancing domestic energy security and boosting the competitiveness of America’s manufacturing sector through abundant, affordable supplies of natural gas from shale and increased energy efficiency, according to the International Energy Agency’s 2012 World Energy Outlook, which forecasts trends through 2035. The global energy […]

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Experts are bullish on a manufacturing revival led by American chemistry

Valence investment banking analyst Anton Ticktin could be called an advocate of supply-chain economics. He credits abundant, affordable supplies of natural gas from shale for the resurrection of the $2.5 trillion chemical industry, giving U.S. chemical companies an enormous competitive edge in the global economy. Having observed the benefits of low-cost chemical feedstocks such as […]

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Cheap natural gas can bring hope to voters along the “Rust Belt”

“Three decades after being devastated by the closing of steel mills, this gritty river valley is hoping its revival will come from cheap natural gas,” The Wall Street Journal recently reported, referring to Beaver County, Pa. Today, these Americans are standing in line to vote, many of them with energy on their mind. That’s because […]

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Natural gas from shale is no fluke, but a trend, IHS report shows

An IHS report on unconventional natural gas supplies has produced a gusher of good news for the chemical industry and U.S. manufacturers. ACC President and CEO Cal Dooley said the study shows “abundant and affordable supplies of natural gas are revitalizing the chemical industry and a providing a competitive edge for manufacturers in the global […]

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Natural gas powers economic growth, creates jobs in eight key manufacturing sectors

Natural gas from shale is transforming the chemical industry by providing a competitive edge in the global economy that has translated into increased output and tens of thousands of new jobs in the United States. FACT SHEET: Downstream Study of Eight Manufacturing Industries A recent ACC study (Shale Gas, Competitiveness and New U.S. Investment: A […]

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PwC report points to manufacturing renaissance led by American chemistry

Natural gas from shale could cut manufacturing costs for American industry by as much as $11.6 billion a year by 2025, while encouraging manufacturers to return home and start building and expanding factories, according to a new report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Natural gas from shale has rightly been described as a “game-changer” for the chemical […]

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Campaign spirits fueled by promise of natural gas

The sound bites have faded, the cheering has stopped and the confetti has been put away for another year. But the buzz still remains around at least one hot campaign topic — natural gas. During their respective national conventions, Republicans and Democrats endorsed natural gas as critical to our national energy security and manufacturing and […]

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The right stuff: Michigan has what it takes for a bright energy and economic future

As the 12th largest chemical producing state, Michigan is poised to reap the benefits of shale gas and chemistry innovations, reviving the state’s manufacturing sector and creating thousands of jobs for local residents, Michigan business and political leaders said during a multi-panel discussion on “Michigan’s Energy Future: Natural Gas, Energy Policy and Economic Growth.” The […]

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