Tag Archives: Renewables

“Electrolyte” is my middle name: Dow and Ube take energy storage to the next level with Advanced Electrolyte Technologies

Putting something valuable away for future use - storing it - is an everyday investment that can yield big returns, especially when it comes to storing energy. Batteries, for example, despite being one of the more commonplace tools we rely on to power our lives, once revolutionized the way we store energy. And, thanks to […]

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How chemistry can help power the U.S. military

It takes a lot of energy to power the U.S. military – the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force. With 300,000 buildings on its military installations, which rack up about $4 billion a year in energy costs, it’s no wonder the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is our country’s largest energy consumer. In […]

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Blowin’ in the wind: Stronger, longer and lighter turbine blades made possible by chemistry

Imagine you’re a scientist standing in a laboratory next to a 100-ft turbine blade with a note that says, “Make it longer, make it stronger and, while you’re at it, make it lighter, too.” As it turns out, a development team led by Bayer MaterialScience (BMS), when presented with a blade and a challenge not […]

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American chemistry geared up for U.S. military march toward clean energy innovation

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has embarked on a stalwart march toward clean energy innovation, as America’s chemistry industry gears up for what may become one of the military’s greatest tactical maneuvers of the 21st century. Grist’s David Roberts thinks the military’s storied move is all about “technology, the changing face of warfare, geopolitics […]

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NYT: “Obama Skips Clean Energy to Avoid a Political Battle on Jobs”

A Friday piece in The New York Times/ClimateWire pointed out that President Obama didn’t mention the word “energy” even once in his speech last night. ACC President Cal Dooley, interviewed for the article, said the President indeed missed an opportunity to build bipartisan support for a comprehensive energy policy: In a statement immediately following the […]

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Post-doc introduces world’s first nanotube-reinforced, polyurethane turbine blade

Innovation in the wind energy sector often demands bigger, lighter and more durable turbine blades that will last longer, capture more wind, and more efficiently convert the wind’s energy into electricity to power our cities and towns. With chemistry’s help, Marcio Loos, a post-doctorate researcher at Case Western Reserve University, may have found the winning […]

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