Tag Archives: Health

Chemical industry achieves record-setting process safety gains

This week, June 12-18, marks the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (OSHA) inaugural Safe & Sound Week, a nationwide effort to help workers and managers understand the valuable role that occupational safety and health programs can play in helping to prevent workplace accidents. As a Safe & Sound Week Partner, ACC joins OSHA and […]

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Who put BPA in the water?

The days of rivers catching on fire from high levels of pollution are long gone. These days Americans almost take it for granted that the rivers, streams and lakes around us are safe and clean. Nevertheless, there are still concerns about the potential for health risks to people and the environment from trace levels of […]

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Working together to improve EPA’s proposed rules for chemical prioritization and risk evaluation under the Lautenberg Act

As efforts continue in earnest to implement the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (LCSA), ACC sees two areas in particular where industry and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can work together closely to put the program on a solid footing – prioritizing chemicals for review and conducting efficient risk evaluations. […]

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You can’t eat that much fish!

Like most people, you probably like seafood. Not only does it taste good but seafood provides healthy amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The latter is particularly important since consumption of these fatty acids is linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. That’s why international health agencies recommend 1-2 servings of […]

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Silicones help make the holidays a little less stressful

  This Thanksgiving, over 50 million Americans will travel to visit friends and family to enjoy our favorite comfort foods. Though you may get frustrated sitting in traffic, standing in security lines at the airport, or trying to coordinate the cooking of all your holiday dishes, silicones help make your travel and cooking experiences a […]

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Helping to keep schools safe for children

This National Education Week, I would like to express my thanks to all those who contribute to educating American students. My hat is off to teachers and school administrative staff and to the community of school employees known as “Educational Support Professionals” (ESPs) who keep our schools maintained and running on a daily basis. Case […]

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Listening to the science on BPA with Greek scientists

With so much scientific review of bisphenol A (BPA) having already taken place, you might think that there would be little to learn from further review. Numerous government bodies around the world have recently reviewed the science on BPA and independently reached similar conclusions on its safety. But if you thought there’s nothing new under […]

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ACC releases updated review of U.S. drinking water chlorination practices and issues

Imagine living in a world without chlorine disinfection of drinking water…You would have no idea when a dreaded disease might strike you down or strike down your children or other family members. This is the world that everyone in the U.S. lived in at the turn of the twentieth century. -Michael J. McGuire in the […]

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The chemistry of disaster relief

The Louisiana flood waters have receded and so has the national media coverage of this disaster. The storm pummeled South Louisiana with almost seven trillion gallons of water in a week’s time. It flowed from parish to parish; the storm destroyed homes and businesses, and claimed lives. The TV cameras are gone, but the cleanup […]

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Carcinogen or not a carcinogen? A tale of two WHO Agencies, and the importance of evaluating study quality and human relevance

How is it possible that two World Health Organization (WHO) agencies could evaluate the same chemical’s potential to cause cancer and come to seemingly opposite conclusions? Dr. David Eastmond explored this question in a presentation at the Summer Toxicology Forum meeting comparing the approaches taken by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and […]

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