The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is already moving quickly to implement the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA), and here at ACC we have been actively engaged with the Agency in the implementation process. In early August, EPA held a series of public meetings on the LCSA to discuss the first rules the Agency is […]
Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA): Legislative Summit provides valuable forum to explore new, better way to regulate chemicals in commerce
As a part of their mission to strengthen state governments, the National Council of State Legislators hosted their annual Legislative Summit this week in Chicago. Given the recent federal action around TSCA reform, the summit could not have come at a more opportune time. During the event the American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) Vice-President of State […]
What does the future hold for chemical security regulations?
It’s hard to believe that ten years have gone by since the Department of Homeland Security adopted the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS). Not all of those years were easy ones and the program has had its fair share of challenges along the way. As Compliance Division Director David Wulf pointed out to a packed […]
Live! From #ACCaugust Round 2 - 2016
During the August recess, ACC’s Political Mobilization activities will be in full swing! Once again, we’ll be fanning out across the country to further our industry’s advocacy goals in a grassroots initiative called #ACCaugust. Through plant tours, in-district meetings, and industry roundtable discussions, we will meet with Members of Congress to raise awareness of the vital importance […]
How the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA) is already at work for consumers, businesses and families
It’s been just five weeks since the president signed the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA) into law, and we’re already seeing strong evidence that the law is working the way it should. Late last week, in one of EPA’s first actions under the new law, the Agency evaluated a group of new chemicals submitted to […]
New ACC-funded publication implements National Academies recommendation to expand the use of Bayesian methods in IRIS assessments
EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) “is an electronic data base containing information on human health effects that may result from exposure to various chemicals in the environment.” IRIS values are hazard – not risk – values that are often cited or used in other chemical safety evaluations, by EPA, federal agencies, states, and a […]
Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act: Protecting Americans’ health and the environment in the 21st century
A little over a week ago, consumers across the country were given something they rightfully have demanded for years: more confidence in the safety of the chemicals used to make the products they purchase for themselves and their families. But consumers didn’t just ask for the greater sense of safety that was given to them […]
BfR ‘consensus statement’ on EDCs reinforces 5 key principles underpinning risk-based model of regulation
When reports surfaced last month that nearly two dozen scientists had gathered in Berlin to reach an “expert consensus” on how to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), it wasn’t immediately clear who attended, how they were selected, or how – or even if – the European Commission would use some of the outcomes to help […]
How do various screening tools evaluate different chemicals?
Retailers and product manufacturers are increasingly using a variety of tools, lists and other approaches to determine whether specific chemical ingredients in consumer products may be a concern, or to certify what some call “greener” chemical ingredients. But what sort of information do these various tools provide? To address this question, a group of researchers […]
What a “defective” radiation-risk standard can teach us about improving chemical risk assessments
Wall Street Journal editorial board member Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. seems to have a knack for battling bad science – especially what he perceives to be misguided reporting and alarmist stories about climate change. In his most recent piece, Jenkins laments the fact that some activists have used faulty research to overstate the risks associated […]
- On the road with #ACCaugust - 2015
- Chemicals in food: Top chemical food myths debunked…naturally! [video]
- Nanotechnology could be the next big thing in medical care
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 2 of 2): Why the expected surge in U.S. chemicals exports will depend on our country’s ability to deliver on its ambitious trade agenda
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 1 of 2): U.S. chemical exports linked to natural gas could double by 2030; plastics products leading the surge
- Who put BPA in the water? May 4, 2017
- Chemistry 101 at #AIACon17 April 27, 2017
- Helping EPA ensure its chemical review ‘pipeline’ under Lautenberg Act delivers as Congress intended April 14, 2017