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Category: Sustainability

Building sustainability and resilience through chemistry

At the AIA Conference on Architecture this week, architects, designers and firms are gathering in New York City to share their perspectives, and learn from others, about how to...

A dip in plastics recycling. Now what?

This year on America Recycles Day (November 15, #BeRecycled), there’s a lot of discussion about challenges facing the recycling industry. A recent example: the 2016 dip (2.4%) in plastic...

More plastic, less waste? Yes. Seriously.

A new study in the journal Science Advances looks at the “Production, Use and Fate of All Plastics Ever Made.” We welcome this new study, and the opportunity it...

Marine litter: Let’s stay focused on solutions

Earlier this week I had the privilege of speaking at the German Mission during the United Nations’ “The Oceans Conference.” The conference was designed to advance implementation of Sustainable...

Chemical industry achieves record-setting process safety gains

This week, June 12-18, marks the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (OSHA) inaugural Safe & Sound Week, a nationwide effort to help workers and managers understand the valuable...