American Chemistry MattersA Blog of the American Chemistry Council

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Warming up for Round 2 of #ACCaugust

Summer may be winding down by the time August comes around, but ACC’s Political Mobilization activities will be in full swing! Taking advantage of the August recess when elected...

American Chemistry: Growing the U.S. economy, driving innovation and providing jobs

  Chemistry: It’s in everything – from air and water, to the products and technologies we use every day – and is essential to our everyday lives. Life-saving medicines,...

It may be the end of 2015, but American Chemistry is just getting started

As we near the end of 2015, it’s worth taking a look back at how far our industry has come the past few years, and where we think American...


On the road with #ACCaugust - 2015

During the August recess, our state affairs and political mobilization teams will fan out across the country to create opportunities to further our industry’s advocacy goals in a grassroots...

New #ACCaugust initiative kicks grassroots advocacy into high gear

When you think of summer, the beach, state fairs, and family vacations usually come to mind. Here at the American Chemistry Council (ACC), however, our summer means something a...