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Category: Jobs

Nearly 4.5 Million Jobs Supported By $553 Billion U.S. Chemical Industry

America’s chemical industry is a $553 billion enterprise directly providing more than half a million high-paying jobs across the United States, according to the 2019 edition of the Guide to...

Get ready for #ACCAugust 4.0

We’re almost halfway through the summer, Congress is in recess and ACC’s Political Mobilization Department is gearing up for our annual #ACCAugust push! This month our team will be...


In the zone: Appalachian region could become a major center of petrochemicals and plastics manufacturing

With its abundant energy resources and proximity to manufacturing markets, the Appalachian Region is poised to become a major center of petrochemical and plastics products manufacturing in the United...


Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA): Legislative Summit provides valuable forum to explore new, better way to regulate chemicals in commerce

As a part of their mission to strengthen state governments, the National Council of State Legislators hosted their annual Legislative Summit this week in Chicago. Given the recent federal...

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Live! From #ACCaugust Round 2 - 2016

During the August recess, ACC’s Political Mobilization activities will be in full swing! Once again, we’ll be fanning out across the country to further our industry’s advocacy goals in a...