American Chemistry MattersA Blog of the American Chemistry Council

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BASF Total Petrochemicals revamps its Port Arthur steam cracker to process ethane

BASF Total Petrochemicals is among a growing list of chemical manufacturers announcing expansion plans, thanks to abundant supplies of natural gas from shale. The company, a joint venture formed...

Chemistry, efficiency and high performance products go hand-in-hand

Energy-efficient appliances can help Americans save energy and reduce utility bills without sacrificing on performance, according to a new report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) and the...

In Ohio, a second wave of sustainable jobs for all talents and skills

The continued growth in production of abundant and affordable natural gas in the Utica Shale region of Ohio is transforming the state into a rich breeding ground for both...

New study illustrates connection between energy efficiency and home affordability

Owning or choosing to purchase an energy efficient home can lead to significant cost savings for many moderate- and middle-income homebuyers, according to a University of North Carolina study...

From England, thumbs up for an American energy revolution

The Economist, Great Britain’s globally-respected analyst of political and economic trends, has given a sterling endorsement of the benefits of natural gas for the U.S economy, especially the chemical...