American Chemistry MattersA Blog of the American Chemistry Council

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ACC files comments to inform EPA’s development of rules under the LCSA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is already moving quickly to implement the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA), and here at ACC we have been actively engaged with the...

Advancing energy and climate solutions through chemistry

Meeting the world’s energy needs while improving sustainability is one of the key challenges of the 21st Century. The chemical industry has a significant role to play in the...

Jeff Stier: Look to Canada for ways to improve the science behind chemical assessments

Jeff Stier, risk analyst with the National Center for Public Policy Research, offered several interesting insights the other day regarding how chemicals are assessed and managed in different countries...

House Energy & Commerce Committee questions the science behind chemical risk assessments

Several members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee met with stakeholders from the regulated community last week to discuss the growing concern around the quality of the science...

Without chemical trade secrets, innovation in America could become a spy game

When Procter & Gamble set out to develop a new detergent that would allow consumers to wash their clothes effectively in cold water, they turned to a unique, innovative...