American Chemistry MattersA Blog of the American Chemistry Council

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Making a Difference for Polypropylene Recycling

Polypropylene (PP) is a widely-used food packaging material—think yogurt cups, coffee pods, butter and sour cream tubs, and some food service takeout containers—for which there is growing demand for...

New Dollars and Sense for Recycling

Recycling has faced strong headwinds over the past few years. China announced its National Sword policy restricting imports of recyclables in 2017, and other Southeast Asian countries following suit...


To All Our Essential Sanitation and Recycling Professionals: Thank You

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, while many of us are working from home, many American workers who are part of “essential” industries continue to go to their...

How Do We Measure Sustainability? Just One Word: Standards.

Buy coffee lately? You may have noticed labels on the packaging by “certification” organizations that track and certify that the coffee growers: receive an above standard “premium” price (Fairtrade);...

Advanced Plastics Recycling Scores Big at Latest Recycling Conference

I just got back from the Super Bowl. Not the football game. The plastics recycling “Super Bowl.” Held just a few weeks after the (somewhat more) popular sporting event,...