American Chemistry MattersA Blog of the American Chemistry Council

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Are you ready for #ACCAugust 6.0? We are!

This week we will be launching into the sixth year of #ACCaugust. For the last six years, ACC has connected our amazing member employees with the elected officials who represent them at the state and federal level. With the chemical industry being designated as an essential business in the fight against COVID-19, it is more important than ever to make the voices of chemistry heard.

How is this year different?

As you may already be aware, ACC’s political engagements look a little different this year. We are pivoting from in-person plant tours to virtual roundtables as we continue to observe social distancing. While we miss seeing everyone in person, taking our political engagements virtual has given us the opportunity to get creative and provide a fresh model for our events.

Our virtual roundtable usually includes an elected official, member company employees (often from multiple companies), and ACC staff in attendance on a video call. During the call, the elected official gives an update on their work and an outlook for the future. Member company employees will discuss their company’s COVID-19 response efforts, supply chain challenges, and other important topics. These virtual roundtables will allow us continue to connect our industry and their amazing employees to the elected officials who represent them. To see more information on our past virtual roundtables, click here.

Being designated as essential, many chemistry employees have worked around the clock to produce PPE, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, and/or the raw materials needed to create any of the three. They have been working tirelessly to help our frontline healthcare workers win the fight against COVID-19. Member companies have also helped their local communities by donating PPE, hand sanitizer, funds to local food banks, and more. It is more important than ever that that they are heard by their elected officials. To learn more about our member companies’ COVID-19 responses, click here to visit our COVID-19 resource page.

How is this year the same?

While we may not be in the same room or the same state as our virtual attendees, we are still finding ways to connect them to their elected officials. During each virtual roundtable, we give member company employees an opportunity to speak directly with elected officials as much as possible. ACC also still gets the opportunity to relay important information about our industry to their representatives across the country.

How Can You Follow Along During #ACCaugust 6.0?

With over 96% of all manufactured goods touched by the business of chemistry, our industry is important in some facet to every state in our country and has stepped up as much as possible this year to help win the fight against COVID-19.

This August, we will be still be connecting with elected officials from all over the country. Letting them know that #ChemistryMatters. There are multiple ways to follow along and join the fun this summer. You can follow us on Twitter at @AmChemMatters and Facebook @AmericanChemistry, and by following #ChemistryMatters and #ACCaugust. We also be launching a new website shortly that will have an interactive map of our political events.

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