American Chemistry MattersA Blog of the American Chemistry Council

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New ‘Mind the Science’ website aims to educate retailers and shoppers on the science behind chemical safety

It’s that time of year again – time to rake the leaves, baste the turkey, and, for some of us, to prepare for Black Friday and the traditional kick-off of the holiday shopping season. In another nod to tradition, it’s time for one advocacy group to issue its annual retailer report card, which calls into question the safety of some of the products sold by large retailers, based on their chemical make-up.

As manufacturers of the chemical ingredients that provide beneficial qualities to thousands of consumer products, we believe that people must have confidence in the safety of the ingredients in products they use every day.

Decisions about chemicals in products should be based on scientific approaches that consider a range of factors, including the amount of the chemical ingredient used in a product, as well as how consumers use the product and the extent to which they may come in contact with the chemical ingredients.

That’s why the American Chemistry Council has just launched a new website – – a resource for retailers, consumers and others interested in the chemistry behind everyday products that provides straightforward, science-based information about chemical ingredients.

MindTheScience is intended to bring both science and sensibility back into the consumer holiday shopping experience. The website provides easy-to-understand information about chemicals used to make everyday products, including the specific benefits that the chemical ingredient brings to the products, as well as information of the safety testing the chemical has undergone.

Check back to the site often, as we continue to add chemical-specific content, and let us know if you have questions about specific chemicals, or specific claims you may have read online. Our goal is to help ensure that you have both a safe and enjoyable holiday shopping experience, and that you can visit your favorite stores and select from a wide range of products with more confidence, and less confusion, about their safety.

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