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Through the science of chemistry, earth’s basic building blocks – like carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – are transformed into materials that have helped revolutionize society.
Innovations in chemistry are helping to improve lives and protect the environment in a number of ways – by enabling clean drinking water, a safe and adequate food supply, medical breakthroughs like vaccines and pasteurization, clean energy technologies, materials to build a resilient infrastructure, fuel-efficient transportation options and more.
Chemistry has improved the lives of millions around the world – but we know we have more that we need to do.
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) recently unveiled a set of industry-wide Sustainability Principles, which articulate our contributions to sustainability and our commitment to advancing safe, innovative, effective chemical products, materials and technologies that are essential to a sustainable future. These principles illuminate our industry’s commitment to:
These principles are more than just words on paper. They reflect the real-world technology developments and molecular discoveries that scientists at our member companies are advancing every day. Developments that will transform carbon dioxide into a raw material for flexible foam, or turn algae into a source of clean, renewable, low-carbon energy, or that create flexible, strong orthopedic implants to help seniors stay active, longer – all made possible by chemistry.
As the world’s challenges continue to grow more complex, as we seek to sustain the health and well-being of Earth’s growing population and our natural environment, the men and women of the chemistry industry are continuing to work today to meet the needs of tomorrow.
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Science is essential to understanding the world’s most pressing challenges and to overcoming them.
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