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The Chemistry Innovation in Transportation

The innovative products of chemistry lead to cutting edge advancements—applied technology in medical devices, aerospace, computing, cars, fuels and more.

Chemical companies invest billions in research and development - more than the electronic, automobile, and healthcare industries - to continuously bring new, imaginative and innovative ideas to market. And tomorrow will be no different.

Auto and aerospace designers are turning to strong, durable plastics that weigh much less than traditional materials and help save energy.

Modern plastics and composites already make up 50 percent of the volume of today’s automobiles

Nearly every energy-efficient technology is dependent on innovations in chemistry, including the next generation of electric cars

The use of plastics in cars, from windshields to side panels to drive shafts, helps create lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicles. Plastic auto parts now make up approximately 50 percent of the volume of today’s new cars, dramatically reducing vehicle weight.

Learn more about chemistry’s contribution to the automobile industry on

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