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      Rep. Rob Wittman Talks Labor and Energy With VA Manufacturer

      Labor, energy and taxes are just a few of the items Rep. Rob Wittman discussed with visitors and employees at SON Metal Fab during #ACCaugust.

      This was a unique opportunity for the representative, visiting a plant that works in custom orders and designs. SON Metal Fab makes metal parts for boats and airplanes, specific to their customers’ specifications.

      The facility in Ashland, Virginia has 40 employees. Their services include sheet metal fabrication, laser cutting, precision parts, welding, rolling, deburring, CNC punching, CNC bending, powder coating and more.

      This tour was also attended by the Virginia Manufacturers Association. You can see examples of SON Metal Fab’s work at

      Thanks for joining us for #ACCaugust, Rep. Wittman!

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