American Chemistry MattersA Blog of the American Chemistry Council

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      Getting ready for #ACCaugust 3.0

      August is normally a time for resting and relaxation, students are enjoying the last days of freedom before school starts and parents are taking the last weekend trips to the beach or lake before the start of fall. But not ACC’s Political Mobilization department, we are getting ready for #ACCaugust 3.0. Last year’s #ACCaugust was a huge success this year we hope to have the same success. Our team will be bringing elected officials to not only the largest companies but many of the smaller companies that play a vital role in the industry and their communities.

      Through these tours we are able to highlight how important each facility was to the local community and how chemistry impacts the state and federal economy. The business of chemistry is a major factor in the nation’s manufacturing renaissance, providing 810,000 high-paying skilled jobs that supports over a quarter of the U.S. GDP. All who participate are able to see how chemistry is vital to everyday life and that the business of chemistry directly touches more than 96% of all manufactured goods.

      This August, our talented road-warriors will be back on the road visiting facilities and meeting with influential federal and state elected officials. This will also be the second year of ChemistryMatters, ACC’s online portal that helps educate and engage members of the chemistry community with the important work being done within the community and helping advocate for positive change in legislation to help the business of chemistry. Our chemistry community has grown exponentially over the last year and for many this will be their first taste of #ACCaugust, and we will not disappoint them.

      During the month of August and beyond, be sure to check on our progress and see what innovative products chemistry is helping to create by following the tours and town halls here on our blog, on our new Twitter account @AmChemMatters, or our Facebook page. Participate in the experience by joining the conversation using the hashtags #ACCaugust and #ChemistryMatters.

      Want to get even more involved? Sign-up at ChemistryMatters to join our growing community to see events coming to your community and learn more about the important role chemistry plays in our economy and everyday life.

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