It’s no secret the holidays can be hectic. Whether you’re hosting a large gathering, or transporting Grandma’s (in)famous fruitcake across cold and busy roads, the time is ripe for potential mishaps.
But here’s a not-so-well-known secret: plastics can help make the holidays a little safer and more manageable. For example, plastics help us keep foods fresh during travel, prepare holiday meals, and store leftovers for when our appetites return. Plastics help us decorate for the holidays, from faux trees to flameless candles, meaning the kids running around the house are no longer as much of a safety hazard—and plastic safety gear help keep the kids safe after they’ve opened their new bicycles and scooters. Home insulation made from plastics helps keeps cold winter air on the outside, and modern fleece and performance fibers help keep us warm when we’re out enjoying the snow.
To highlight some of the ways plastics have our backs during the holidays, our Plastics Make it Possible® campaign produced a short video – our own take on the popular “mannequin challenge” – to highlight “perfectly imperfect” holiday moments. Check it out here.