Archive: November, 2015

Thirty years of ‘trouble’? Try 50 years of safe use

With Black Friday quickly approaching, it’s that time of the year when some organizations try to scare consumers away from their favorite products, using “red lists” and “black lists” of “scary chemicals” that people should avoid at all costs. These lists are the new holiday staples; the new pumpkin spice lattes of the season. This […]

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Tying up loose ends: How transparency and reproducibility can help improve chemical assessments

Two basic scientific principles, transparency and reproducibility, which reportedly “saved the universe as we know it,” could also help bring the scientific method back to chemical risk assessment. This post will attempt to explain why these principles are critical and how the scientific community could help make that happen. Back in 2011, scientists appeared to […]

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Does WHO make the case for Prop 65 reform?

When the World Health Organization (WHO) pronounced last week that hot dogs and bacon are carcinogens and that red meat may also harm you, carnivores AND vegetarians alike were right to wonder, “What’s really going on here?” If past health warnings are a model, we’re still going to find hot dogs at the ballpark and ribs […]

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