“The resurgence of the U.S. chemical industry can be explained in two words: natural gas,” Bloomberg Businessweek reports, while scores of major chemical companies, including Chevron, Dow Chemical, and ExxonMobil Chemical Co., continue to move forward with investments of $100 billion to build or expand chemical plants in the U.S. That’s because the chemical industry […]
Chemistry brightening the future of solar power
Solar photovoltaic installations are on the rise in the U.S., according to a new report from NPD Solarbuzz. The first half of 2013 saw the installation of more than 1.8 gigawatts (GW) of solar photovoltaic capacity, helping the nation reach the prestigious 10 GW threshold. “Only Germany, Italy, and China have more installed PV capacity […]
McKinsey report calls natural gas from shale a ‘catalyst’ for growth
The development of natural gas and petroleum from shale is one of five catalysts for dramatic growth in a U.S. economy still trapped in the downdraft of the Great Recession, according to a new report issued by the McKinsey Global Institute. Shale gas and oil, along with opportunities in trade, technology, infrastructure and talent development, […]
What is normal?
What is normal? That may sound like an odd question, but in fact it has considerable implications for the chemical industry and for chemical safety assessment. 2013 ICCA-LRI Workshop More than 96% of all manufactured goods are directly touched by the business of chemistry, and exposures to chemicals occur as part of everyday life. So […]
The missing link: pipeline bill will speed delivery of energy to manufacturers
Legislation approved this week by the House Energy and Power Subcommittee will help get American energy from where it is produced to manufacturers who will use it to create jobs, the American Chemistry Council said in a July 10 statement urging swift passage by the House. ACC added: The Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act […]
Catalytic technologies can boost energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions
The chemical industry uses a variety of strategies to reduce its energy consumption. The use of catalysts – added substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions – is one process that has helped optimize energy use in the manufacturing process and, in turn, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Around 90 percent of chemical manufacturing […]
TSCA sections 5 and 14 balance health and environmental protections with innovation, growth
As 25 bipartisan cosponsors work in the Senate to bring more of their colleagues on board the comprehensive, balanced Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA), introduced in May by the late Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Senator David Vitter (R-LA), the House is holding hearings of its own to learn more about the current law that […]
Charles Morris predicts going “back to the future,” with shale gas fueling our way
In his new book, Comeback: America’s New Economic Boom, Charles Morris, a born-again optimist who predicted the financial industry’s implosion three years before it happened, refuses pessimistic notions of America’s economic decline and points instead to evidence of long-term growth prospects for the country. “It’s the best-kept secret in the economic media,” as Morris said […]
What are MELs and why are they using so much energy?
Many popular devices in U.S. homes and businesses don’t fit into typical energy-use categories like refrigeration, HVAC or lighting, but they still take a toll on our energy supply — comprising a “miscellaneous energy load,” or MEL, for short. Equipment like TVs, computers and other electronics, microwaves, printers, servers, transformers, elevators, medical imaging technology, and […]
Aviation experts credit flame retardant materials for providing critical escape time for San Francisco crash survivors
The Asiana Airline crash in San Francisco that resulted in the tragic deaths of two Chinese students and injured scores of other passengers has raised many questions. But one thing is clear: The number of survivors is astounding. Several factors played a role, including flame retardant materials, used to meet FAA standards, which helped to […]
- On the road with #ACCaugust - 2015
- Chemicals in food: Top chemical food myths debunked…naturally! [video]
- Nanotechnology could be the next big thing in medical care
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 2 of 2): Why the expected surge in U.S. chemicals exports will depend on our country’s ability to deliver on its ambitious trade agenda
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 1 of 2): U.S. chemical exports linked to natural gas could double by 2030; plastics products leading the surge
- Proposed marine debris legislation helps fortify industry’s ongoing work March 31, 2017
- ‘BPA-free’ meets ‘fake news’ March 29, 2017
- Working together to improve EPA’s proposed rules for chemical prioritization and risk evaluation under the Lautenberg Act March 23, 2017