Meredith’s grand-prize winning photo included a Low-Emissivity (Low-E) energy efficient window installed at her workplace, highlighting the important role chemistry can play in helping to make our homes and businesses more energy efficient. As one ACC member, Arkema, Inc. explains, low-e window coatings help reduce heat loss while simultaneously allowing passive solar energy to enter, […]
Manufacturing is poised to remake our future, McKinsey study shows
Despite the Great Recession, manufacturing worldwide not only survives, but thrives, accounting for approximately 16 percent of global gross domestic product and 14 percent of employment. “Globally, manufacturing continues to grow,” sparking innovation and competitiveness, while driving research and development, exports, and productivity growth in the developed world, according to a new study by the […]
#Chemistry2Energy Photo Contest ends Nov. 28, so vote today for energy efficiency!
Our 8 weekly #Chemistry2Energy photo contest winners are in a tight race for first place, and your vote could make the $1,419 grand prize difference! The voting period closes on Wednesday, November 28, just before the clock strikes midnight (EST), so be sure to let us know today which of the eight finalist pictures you […]
Rice University: Polyurethane chemistry and nanotech key to next-gen body armor?
( — In the macro world, it’s easy to see what happens when a bullet hits an object. But what happens at the nanoscale with very tiny bullets? A Rice University lab, in collaboration with researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, decided to find out by creating the […]
Politico event highlights energy efficiency as critical component of U.S. energy policy
We’ve said it before: reduced energy demand is the cleanest energy there is, and last week’s “Energy and the Presidency: The Shift from Campaigning to Policymaking” event helped to drive home that point for U.S. lawmakers and reporters in Washington, DC. Hosted by Politico, the event featured distinguished speakers Sens. Udall (D-Colo.), Manchin (D-W.V.) and […]
Plastics help drive auto safety
Versatile plastics hold the key to a host of safety and performance breakthroughs in today’s automobiles and make up roughly 10 percent by weight but 50 percent by volume of new cars. Most of what you touch and feel inside your car today is made with plastics, from the seat cushions to the dashboard to […]
U.S. energy future depends on natural gas and energy efficiency, according to World Energy Outlook
The U.S. is in store for a bright energy future achieved by enhancing domestic energy security and boosting the competitiveness of America’s manufacturing sector through abundant, affordable supplies of natural gas from shale and increased energy efficiency, according to the International Energy Agency’s 2012 World Energy Outlook, which forecasts trends through 2035. The global energy […]
Congratulations to our #Chemistry2Energy week eight photo contest winner; voting begins!
Congratulations to the #Chemistry2Energy Photo Contest’s eighth weekly winner, Jay Richard (@Jay36483296), who submitted a photo of a wind turbine along with the caption: Renewable sources of energy like wind and solar, along with responsible natural gas development and creative approaches to energy efficiency, can play an important role in an “all-of-the-above” domestic energy strategy […]
Experts are bullish on a manufacturing revival led by American chemistry
Valence investment banking analyst Anton Ticktin could be called an advocate of supply-chain economics. He credits abundant, affordable supplies of natural gas from shale for the resurrection of the $2.5 trillion chemical industry, giving U.S. chemical companies an enormous competitive edge in the global economy. Having observed the benefits of low-cost chemical feedstocks such as […]
Congratulations to our #Chemistry2Energy week seven photo contest winner!
Congratulations to the #Chemistry2Energy Photo Contest’s seventh weekly winner, Timmy Childs (@EvenPar8462), who creatively submitted a photo of a football player along with the caption: From sports equipment to vehicle components to building products, lightweight flexible plastics help Americans do more with less, while working to maximize energy efficiency and performance. That includes athletic performance! […]
- On the road with #ACCaugust - 2015
- Chemicals in food: Top chemical food myths debunked…naturally! [video]
- Nanotechnology could be the next big thing in medical care
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 2 of 2): Why the expected surge in U.S. chemicals exports will depend on our country’s ability to deliver on its ambitious trade agenda
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 1 of 2): U.S. chemical exports linked to natural gas could double by 2030; plastics products leading the surge
- Chemistry 101 at #AIACon17 April 27, 2017
- Helping EPA ensure its chemical review ‘pipeline’ under Lautenberg Act delivers as Congress intended April 14, 2017
- Proposed marine debris legislation helps fortify industry’s ongoing work March 31, 2017