Congratulations to our first weekly #Chemistry2Energy photo contest winner, Leba Lualdi (@Fomo_Leba), who tweeted the image seen here along with the caption: Thanks to technological advances made possible by chemistry, spray foam insulation can provide continuous insulation while sealing in walls and roofs, helping to prevent energy loss while lowering monthly energy bills. As a […]
Australian government reports safe use of phthalate DINP in children’s toys
Amid a slew of product attacks and unreliable studies appearing in mainstream media, it can be easy to miss the most valuable, sound scientific evidence when it is reported on the safety of chemicals in everyday products. For example, the Australian government’s Department of Health and Ageing has issued a final report on diisononyl phthalate […]
New DOE “Energy Saver” site gives tips on improving home energy efficiency
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) knows that saving energy means saving money, and its new Energy Saver webpage demonstrates some of the easiest and most cost effective ways for consumers to improve household energy efficiency. What kind of savings are we talking about? Well, the average American household spends $2,000 a year on energy […]
September Chemical Activity Barometer points to “Charlie Brown” effect
Today, ACC released the September report of the Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB), our leading economic indicator derived from a composite index of chemical industry activity. In the report, we noted that September’s uptick in growth follows a trend also observed in both 2010 and 2011 where we saw a strong upswing in the 4th quarter […]
Celebrating 75 years of innovation at the 2012 Polyurethanes Technical Conference
75 years ago, renowned German scientist Dr. Otto Bayer invented the basic process that would pave the way for the modern polyurethanes industry, ACC President and CEO Cal Dooley told a crowd of 850+ at the 2012 Polyurethanes Technical Conference in Atlanta, GA. At the time, Dooley said, Dr. Bayer was struggling to make ends […]
Enter ACC’s #Chemistry2Energy photo contest for a chance to win cash prizes!
Over the next 8 weeks, ACC would like to reward you for showing us the lengths you’ve gone — large or small — to become more energy efficient in your daily life, and what role you think chemistry plays in making your efforts possible. Americans do their part every day to conserve energy and cut […]
New report could improve the scientific foundation for regulatory decisions
A new report by the Research Integrity Roundtable, designed to improve the scientific analysis and independent expert reviews underpinning many important regulatory decisions, could lead to science-based improvements to EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and other critical assessment programs. A product of 18 months of stakeholder dialogues between scientists and policy experts from industry, […]
U.S. Air Force turns 65, looks to a future of innovation and operational efficiency
Since its inception 65 years ago, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) has grown to become the largest and most technologically advanced aerial warfare service branch in the world. It is also the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) largest energy consumer, requiring more than 2 billion gallons of jet fuel at a cost of around $8 […]
Strengthening SAICM is key to sound chemicals management
Modern society relies on chemicals to enable the products and technologies that make our lives, and our world, healthier, safer, more sustainable and more productive. And while the chemical industry is one of the most globalized segments of the world economy, different countries have significantly different capacities and capabilities to manage chemicals soundly throughout their […]
Campaign spirits fueled by promise of natural gas
The sound bites have faded, the cheering has stopped and the confetti has been put away for another year. But the buzz still remains around at least one hot campaign topic — natural gas. During their respective national conventions, Republicans and Democrats endorsed natural gas as critical to our national energy security and manufacturing and […]
- On the road with #ACCaugust - 2015
- Chemicals in food: Top chemical food myths debunked…naturally! [video]
- Nanotechnology could be the next big thing in medical care
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 2 of 2): Why the expected surge in U.S. chemicals exports will depend on our country’s ability to deliver on its ambitious trade agenda
- Fueling Export Growth (Part 1 of 2): U.S. chemical exports linked to natural gas could double by 2030; plastics products leading the surge
- Summer heat coming! Learn how to maximize energy efficiency on newly redesigned WhySprayFoam.Org June 30, 2017
- Attention dust bunnies: You’re safe from BPA June 29, 2017
- California housing market shortage presents opportunity for new builders and SPF insulation June 27, 2017