Dooley: Pennsylvania a model for leveraging abundant shale gas reserves

The future is bright for Pennsylvania chemical and manufacturing industries, according a policy forum held in Harrisburg, Pa. last week examining how shale gas is driving a manufacturing renaissance in the Keystone State.

As David Taylor of the PA Manufacturers’ Association put it, Marcellus shale is like a “manna from Heaven” to America’s manufacturing sector.

The event, co-sponsored by ACC and the Pennsylvania Chemical Industry Council (PCIC), attracted state policymakers, legislative staff, reporters and bloggers, and industry leaders from throughout the state.

Speaking at the event, ACC President and CEO Cal Dooley noted that Pennsylvania is a model for other states to follow in leveraging their abundant shale gas supplies:

We have such a tremendous opportunity in the United States to see a broad based renaissance in manufacturing. And it’s important that we continue to educate the broader public on what is needed to capitalize on this enormous opportunity. Pennsylvania is a model for states on how leveraging abundant shale gas through responsible production can reduce energy costs and create a competitive advantage for its manufacturing industry, particularly for chemical manufacturers. The result is increased investment, more jobs and a growing, robust economy.

The policy forum was aired live on the Pennsylvania Cable Network and was captured in The Morning Call‘s morning media summary by political reporter John Micek.

Pennsylvania is the nation’s 10th largest chemical producer and employs more than 40,000 workers in the chemical industry. And growth is just around the corner: Pennsylvania could be the future home of a multi-billion dollar petrochemical facility that would bring a much needed economic boost to the struggling Appalachia region.

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