The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) of the American Chemistry Council is having a great time in Dallas this week at the SprayFoam Convention & Expo 2012, hosted by the Spray Polyurethane Foam Association (SPFA). CPI is on hand as part of its goal to promote spray polyurethane stewardship and provide information on health and safety considerations to spray foam contractors.
In Dallas, CPI offered their Spray Polyurethane Foam Chemical Health and Safety Training to nearly 50 spray foam applicators. The training provides information about the use, handling and disposal of spray polyurethane foam (SPF), potential health hazards and control measures, including engineering controls and personal protective equipment (PPE). The training provides guidance to applicators and helpers who apply professional grade, high-pressure SPF in either interior or exterior applications.
Approximately 3,500 people have completed the high-pressure SPF training since it launched. (Click here to see a video about the training program.) We’ve actually lost count of how many people have stopped by our booth to get copies of our guidance documents and other resource materials, and the spray foam training was very well attended.
CPI’s Spray Polyurethane Foam Health and Safety website,, offers a wealth of resources for spray foam professionals, weatherization professionals, homeowners and anyone who wants more information about SPF.