Archive: December, 2011

Why chemical assessments stand to benefit from bipartisan decision from Congress

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – the 40 year-old organization charged with protecting public health and safety using sound, scientific risk assessments – has itself been put under the microscope by the governing body originally responsible for creating it, the U.S. Congress. Presented with mounting criticism of the EPA, Congress took action last Saturday […]

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Energy recovery pioneer, Agilyx, turns non-recycled plastics into valuable energy

Plastics recycling is a growing business, as Americans continue to recycle billions of pounds of plastic bottles, containers, bags and wraps every year. But what happens to plastics that aren’t recycled? Oregon-based Agilyx is using chemistry to convert more of these valuable materials from waste into useful fuel. As Lew Feucht, an account manager at […]

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“Electrolyte” is my middle name: Dow and Ube take energy storage to the next level with Advanced Electrolyte Technologies

Putting something valuable away for future use - storing it - is an everyday investment that can yield big returns, especially when it comes to storing energy. Batteries, for example, despite being one of the more commonplace tools we rely on to power our lives, once revolutionized the way we store energy. And, thanks to […]

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How chemistry can help power the U.S. military

It takes a lot of energy to power the U.S. military – the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force. With 300,000 buildings on its military installations, which rack up about $4 billion a year in energy costs, it’s no wonder the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is our country’s largest energy consumer. In […]

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Blowin’ in the wind: Stronger, longer and lighter turbine blades made possible by chemistry

Imagine you’re a scientist standing in a laboratory next to a 100-ft turbine blade with a note that says, “Make it longer, make it stronger and, while you’re at it, make it lighter, too.” As it turns out, a development team led by Bayer MaterialScience (BMS), when presented with a blade and a challenge not […]

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New economic report: Shale gas burning bright for U.S. chemical manufacturers

Access to vast, new supplies of natural gas from previously untapped shale deposits is helping America’s chemistry industry maintain its $720 billion contribution to 26 percent of U.S. GDP despite a slowdown in America’s economic recovery, according to ACC’s 2011 Year-End Situation and Outlook published today. In a news release, ACC President Cal Dooley restated […]

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“A bright economic future is lying just beneath our feet,” Dooley says of West Virginia, other Marcellus Shale states

In a keynote address during Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s “West Virginia: Energy Powering Economic Development” summit last week, ACC President Cal Dooley told state officials and energy experts that natural gas from the Marcellus Shale could help revitalize American manufacturing in West Virginia and bring new, high-paying jobs to the state. “It has never been […]

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ACC launches “From Chemistry to Energy” video contest with $20,000 in cash prizes

We’re very excited to announce the launch of a user-generated video campaign! It’s easy to sign up and free to enter. All you need is a camcorder or some motion graphics skills, a bit of creative inspiration and an interest in learning how chemistry is creating energy solutions for a strong, secure and sustainable future. […]

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Shale gas gives local economies a holiday boost, generating revenue and putting people back to work

While shale gas is providing a sack of holiday goodies to some states this year, the Fall 2011 Fiscal Survey of States details the unfortunate plight faced by many others in light of the economy’s slow recovery. The new report, released by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the National Association of State Budget Officers […]

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Think twice: NRDC banks on misleading you about its BPA petition with FDA

Today, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) posted a statement on its blog about an agreement reached with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding a deadline for action on a petition NRDC had filed. Sounds like no big deal, right? Under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t be. But that statement so crosses the lines of […]

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