Sustainable Practices

Sustainable Practices

Sustainable PracticesChemical manufacturers are responsible for the impacts of our products and operations. To meet this responsibility, we undertake stringent practices to protect human health and the environment, which are verified by independent auditors and supported by publicly reported data, through Responsible Care®.

The Science Behind Sustainability

Brazos Woods

The Nature Conservancy Teams with Dow To Integrate the Value of Nature into Business

Sustainability Challenge:

Communications and cooperation between industry and environmental groups is a valuable but sometimes underutilized tool for enhancing sustainability.

Chemistry Solution:

A collaboration between The Nature Conservancy and Dow demonstrates how integrating nature into business decisions can lead to better business and conservation outcomes.

Sustainability Benefit:

This collaboration has produced extensive research and developed new tools to demonstrate how a company like Dow can include nature in its business operations.

RC Logo

WTS Works with Chemical Manufacturers to Find Sustainable Materials Management Opportunities

Sustainability Challenge:

Manufacturing processes generate by-product materials that need to be managed responsibly and sustainably.

Chemistry Solution:

WTS, a by-product management services provider, works with chemical manufacturers to minimize or eliminate waste, recover value from by-products and divert waste from the landfill.

Sustainability Benefit:

Since 2010, WTS has helped chemical manufacturers divert 1 billion pounds of materials from landfills through sustainable recovery options.

SP-Schneider Case Study

Schneider Bulk Sustainability Practices Improve Fuel and Energy Efficiency

Sustainability Challenge:

Chemical transportation provider Schneider implements sustainability practices that have led to greater fuel efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced energy efficiency.

Chemistry Solution:

By undertaking these sustainable practices, Schneider is reducing its carbon footprint and environmental impacts.

Sustainability Benefit:

By undertaking these sustainable practices, Schneider is reducing its carbon footprint and environmental impacts.

RC Logo

ACC Members go Beyond Regulations to Measure and Report EHS&S; Performance

Sustainability Challenge:

Consumers and citizens may have questions about the safety and performance of a chemical company operating in their community.

Chemistry Solution:

ACC members must apply excellent practices and publicly report their environmental, health, safety and security performance.

Sustainability Benefit:

Chemical manufacturers are accountable to their communities, their employees and their customers and are driven to manage products and processes with safety and environmental protection as a top priority.

Chemistry in Action

Plant Workers

Responsible Care® Means We Are Accountable

Responsible Care® requires ACC member companies to publicly report their environmental performance, energy impacts and worker and facility safety data.


Transporting Chemical Products Safely

The business of chemistry relies on sophisticated technologies and decades of safety and security expertise to deliver its products safely by barge, pipeline, rail and truck.