

Science is essential to understanding the world’s most pressing challenges and to overcoming them.

Factsheet Through the science of chemistry, earth’s basic building blocks – like carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – are transformed into materials that have helped revolutionize society. Things that many of us take for granted, like clean drinking water, pasteurization and vaccines, began as breakthroughs in chemistry.

Today, the men and women of the chemistry industry are focused on the needs of tomorrow. They are working with experts in other business sectors, at universities and in government, to develop new ways that chemistry can enable sustainability in every aspect of our lives.

Chemistry in Action

Lab Workers

Industry Scientists Conduct Innovative Research

Scientists at ACC member companies are dedicated to advancing and improving public understanding of the safety and benefits of chemicals, as well as any potential impacts of chemicals on human health and the environment.

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Responsible Care®:

For more than 30 years, the chemical industry has committed to excellence in environmental, health, safety and security performance
through Responsible Care®.