Healthy Climate

Healthy Climate

Healthy ClimateToday, chemical-based products and technologies support the fight against climate change in applications such as renewable energy sources, electric and high-efficiency vehicles and building materials that reduce energy consumption. Chemical industry scientists are developing new emission reduction technologies and clean energy alternatives to safeguard the environment and people around the world.

The Science Behind Sustainability


Celanese Ethylene-Based VAM Technology Helps China Facility Reduce Its Carbon Footprint

Sustainability Challenge:

Chemical manufacturing facilities are working to identify processes and technologies to help reduce energy and water usage and lower carbon emissions.

Chemistry Solution:

Celanese uses an ethylene-based process to produce vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) that reduces use of energy and water and lowers carbon emissions.

Sustainability Benefit:

Lowering energy consumption, water use and carbon emissions in manufacturing facilities is a critical element in efforts to combat climate change.


Hexion Waterborne Epoxy Resins Help Reduce VOC Emissions

Sustainability Challenge:

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from the use of solvents in paints and coatings contributes to air quality issues, particularly in large urban areas.

Chemistry Solution:

Hexion developed a new waterborne epoxy resin to help reduce VOCs throughout the value chain.

Sustainability Benefit:

By manufacturing lower VOC products, Hexion reduces hazardous waste output, regulatory burden, nuisance odor, flammability and air emissions throughout the value chain, providing an overall reduction in global warming potential.

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Chemours Refrigerant Helps Reduce Global Warming Potential

Sustainability Challenge:

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and other chemical compounds in common refrigerants are known to have a negative effect on the environment and contribute to global warming.

Chemistry Solution:

Chemours' line of hydrofluoro olefin (HFO)-based, low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants uses less energy and contributes to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainability Benefit:

A transition from HFC-based refrigerant technologies to HFO-based, low-GWP alternatives over the next three years could help prevent up to 200 billion tons of CO2 emissions by 2050.


Covestro Transforming Carbon Dioxide into Raw Material for Flexible Foam

Sustainability Challenge:

Non-renewable petrochemical feedstocks are used as a carbon source to produce high-performance polymers.

Chemistry Solution:

Technology developed by Covestro captures carbon dioxide from industrial sources and transforms it into a raw material for flexible foam.

Sustainability Benefit:

Alternative carbon sources for raw materials can lead to future advances in conserving nonrenewable petrochemical feedstocks.