Products & Technology Sector and Product Groups
Three Divisions—Plastics, Chlorine Chemistry and Chemical Products and Technology—form the ACC Product Groups. These groups accomplish their objectives through effective research, analysis, strategy and integrated communications at the federal, state, local and market levels.
- The Plastics Division advocates for and promotes the economic, environmental and societal benefits of plastic products. The division provides focused market-facing outreach and advocacy through its Automotive, Building and Construction, Electrical and Electronics and Packaging Teams.
- The Chlorine Chemistry Division represents major producers and users of chlorine in the U.S. and promotes and protects the sustainability of chlorine chemistry processes, products and applications, engaging in regulatory activities for chlor-alkali and chlorine products.
- The Chemical Products and Technology Division (CPTD) provides technical and management services, issue management activities, specialized advocacy, research, education, communication and evaluation services to a core group of more than 50 sector and product groups.
ACC and its member companies developed the Responsible Care® Product Safety Code to drive continuous improvement in chemical product safety as part of the industry’s signature environmental, health, safety and security management system. The Product Safety Code is our industry’s public commitment to our role in the safe management of chemicals and articulates our pledge to make safety a core value in how our products are made, sold, delivered, used and disposed of.