State Advocacy for Science Based Government Regulations

The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) State Affairs Department advocates for science-based, common sense regulations at the state and local levels. ACC’s State Affairs staff is regionally based with offices in Albany, Atlanta, Des Moines and Sacramento. Our regional operations work with member companies and strategic partners to aid state and local governments in their efforts to regulate the business of chemistry and businesses that rely upon chemistry.

Mobilizing Grassroots Efforts across the United States

Advocacy is not just conducted in the halls of legislative bodies; grassroots communications is an important aspect of the ACC’s efforts. Through plant tours, in-district meetings, and industry roundtable discussions, the ACC’s Political Mobilization team connects elected officials to businesses in their communities and showcases the importance of our industry where it matters the most. ACC’s Political Mobilization also communicates through Chemistry Matters, which is an online community where chemical industry friends and colleagues can come together to speak with one voice about our industry's most pressing challenges and our most promising opportunities.

Chemistry Matters

Chemistry Matters is an online community where chemical industry friends and colleagues can come together to speak with one voice about our industry's most pressing challenges—and our most promising opportunities.

Related Resources


News & Resources

View our resource center to find press releases, testimonies, infographics and more.


Jobs and Economic Impact

The business of chemistry provides 811,000 skilled, good-paying American jobs—earning 44 percent more than the average manufacturing pay.