Chemical makers worldwide participate in the Global Product Strategy (GPS) designed to improve the management of chemical products, make available plain language safety summaries and strengthen product stewardship. GPS informs international efforts to enhance the safe production, use and disposal of chemical products, which is essential to meeting internationally recognized chemical management and safety goals.
Governments and chemical makers have pledged to harmonize regulations and product stewardship efforts to ensure the safe production, use and disposal of chemical products globally. The UN’s Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is driving international progress toward goals for the safe management of chemicals adopted at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainability.
ACC and other associations that belong to the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) launched GPS in 2006 in large part to meet these goals.
GPS is effectively informing international goals for safe chemical management.
To promote greater transparency, ICCA publishes plain language safety summaries of chemical products on the Internet.
GPS encourages and supports enhanced product stewardship—efforts to protect the environment and public health and safety—within the global business of chemistry.
GPS identifies ways to enhance safety of chemical products throughout commerce; makes product stewardship information publicly available; and measures and reports product stewardship performance of the global business of chemistry.
Product stewardship performance under GPS is reported as part of SAICM’s efforts to track progress toward achieving international goals for the safe management of chemicals.
GPS helps ensure that society continues to enjoy the benefits of chemistry while chemistry companies continually improve performance.