Science & ResearchACC is investing in research to improve understanding of how chemicals impact health and the environment.
CPTD Panel GroupsThe Chemical Products and Technology Division (CPTD) represents more than 80 self-funded, chemical-specific groups focused on the business of chemistry.
Mar 18, 2020Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource CenterView activities underway by the chemical industry and to help provide resources to address and fight the impacts of COVID-19.
Standing Down from Work to Stand Up for Worker SafetyAs part of our commitment to safety, CPI, DII and ADI have partnered with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to form a voluntary alliance that provides employees, employers, occupational physicians, and stakeholders with the information, resources, and training needed to continue to keep workers safe on the worksite.
American Chemistry MattersA blog of the American Chemistry Council: driving innovation, creating jobs, and enhancing safety.
Testimony Nov 14, 2011 Cal Dooley Testimony H.R. 5820 The Toxic Chemicals Safety Act of 2010 View this important testimony from ACC's President and CEO, Cal Dooley.
Testimony Sep 22, 2011 ACC President and CEO Cal Dooley Testimony on the Natural Gas Market and Nat Gas Act ACC President and CEO Cal Dooley testifies before the House Ways & Means Committee on the natural gas market and the NAT GAS Act
Testimony Jul 14, 2011 Testimony of Cal Dooley re EPAs IRIS Program It is time to fi the IRIS program to protect health, safety and the environment and preserve the ability of American industry to innovate, compete and create jobs.
Testimony May 17, 2011 Cal Dooley Participates in Teleconference on EPA GHG Stationary Source Regulation Cal Dooley Participates in Teleconference on EPA GHG Stationary Source Regulation
Testimony May 16, 2011 Dooley Senate Environment and Public Works Testimony 2-3-11 Dooley Senate Environment and Public Works Testimony 2-3-11
Testimony May 16, 2011 ACC Testimony: Assessing the Cumulative Impact of Regulation on U.S. Manufacturers Testimony of Michael P. Walls Vice-President, Regulatory & Technical Affairs, ACC: Assessing the Cumulative Impact of Regulation on U.S. Manufacturers
Testimony Feb 11, 2011 ACC & Dow Testimony before House Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection & Security Technologies of HS Committee Oversight Hearing: Preventing Chemical Terrorism: Building a Foundation of Security at Our Nations Chemical Facilities.