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Infographics and Fact Sheets

Chemicals and Endocrine Disruption

Its important to distinguish between substances that may interact with the endocrine system from actual endocrine disruptors that cause adverse health effects.

Infographics and Fact Sheets

Keys to Export Growth for the Chemical Sector

Eport performance for the chemical sector depends on establishing a business environment that helps reduce production costs and promotes innovation and growth.

Infographics and Fact Sheets

Rail Advocacy - Benefits

TIH materials are essential to the economy and national health.

Infographics and Fact Sheets

Nanotechnology Timeline

Just how new is nanotechnology? Its older than you might think! Click here to learn about the pastand the futureof nanotechnology.

Infographics and Fact Sheets

Daily Uses of Pine Chemistry

Pine chemistry daily uses -- essentail to daily life for over 80 years.

Infographics and Fact Sheets

A Survey of CFATS Progress in Securing the Chemical Sector

A survey of chemical facility personnel responsible for compliance with the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) was conducted on behalf of the American Chemistry Council by the AcuTech Consulting Group in July to August of 2011. The purpose was to determine the regulated communitys views on the effectiveness of the program, to identify actions taken to address security and to develop recommendations intended to improve CFATS implementation.

Infographics and Fact Sheets

Issue Brief on Chlorine Rail Transportation Safety

Because chlorine is used everywhere but only made in a few locations, it must be shipped and rail is the safest mode of transportation for chlorine. Learn more.