WASHINGTON (March 2, 2017) – Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced S.J. Res. 28 today to prevent a new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule from making changes to the Risk Management Plan (RMP) that will create new security and safety issues. The resolution was introduced as a companion to H.J. Res. 59, which was introduced by Congressman Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.-02) last month and has garnered the support of more than 40 cosponsors.
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) issued the following statement regarding the resolution:
“We welcome the introduction of Senator Inhofe’s resolution to prevent EPA from implementing new regulatory requirements that could allow sensitive information to fall into the wrong hands for the purposes of planning an attack on chemical facilities.
“EPA’s modifications to RMP were finalized during the last days of the Obama Administration despite strong concerns voiced by the regulated community, members of Congress, Attorneys General, the Conference of Mayors and other local officials that the Agency’s changes could undermine the program.
“For many years, RMP has been, and continues be an effective accident prevention program that enjoys the strong support of the chemical industry. Both the House and Senate resolutions would block EPA’s misguided changes and maintain the successful aspects of RMP that existed before EPA approved its new rule.
“We commend Senator Inhofe along with Senators Barrasso, Cornyn, Johnson and Moran for taking action to protect the security of chemical facilities and communities across America while preserving an important chemical safety program. We urge their colleagues in the House and the Senate to support quick approval of these resolutions.”