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Ryan Baldwin
(202) 249-6517

WASHINGTON (January 5, 2017) – The American Chemistry Council (ACC) issued the following statement in response to the nomination of Robert Lighthizer to United States Trade Representative (USTR):

“ACC and our members welcome the nomination of Ambassador Lighthizer to serve as United States Trade Representative. Ambassador Lighthizer previously served as deputy USTR under President Ronald Reagan and has a long history of advocating in support of U.S. business and economic interests.

“Ambassador Lighthizer’s nomination comes at an important time for U.S. trade policy and especially for the business of chemistry. Our industry is poised to lead a U.S. manufacturing renaissance, transforming America’s abundant natural gas supply into the chemical building blocks that drive innovation, economic growth and job creation throughout the value chain.

“The anticipated expansion of U.S. chemical production as more than 280 announced natural-gas related projects come online in the coming years will be far greater than the U.S. can consume domestically, creating the potential to double U.S. chemical exports by 2030, boosting economic growth, and creating new, high-paying American jobs.

“The chemical sector is heavily dependent on engaging in global markets, and with a strong and growing trade surplus, we are trading from a position of strength. ACC looks forward to working with Ambassador Lighthizer, once confirmed, to implement a pro-growth, pro-competitive trade policy that will ensure our industry can continue to drive economic and job growth here at home while boosting American exports overseas.”


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