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Scott Jensen
(202) 249-6511

WASHINGTON (February 2, 2017) – Congressman Mullin (R-Okla.-02) introduced a resolution today with the support of 15 cosponsors to prevent a new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule from making changes to the Risk Management Plan (RMP) that will create new security and safety issues. A large coalition of trade associations recently sent a letter to Congressional leaders detailing their concerns with EPA’s rule and urging them to disapprove the new regulatory requirements under the Congressional Review Act.

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) issued the following statement regarding the resolution:

“We welcome the introduction of Congressman Mullin’s resolution to prevent EPA’s changes to the Risk Management Plan (RMP) from creating new national and local security issues. ACC is particularly concerned with EPA’s new regulatory requirements to expand the sharing of chemical hazard and operational information, which would allow sensitive information to fall into the wrong hands and endanger chemical facilities and communities across America.

“RMP has been, and continues to be, an effective program through which EPA and industry have seen a dramatic decrease in accidental chemical releases – close to a 60 percent reduction in the nearly 20 years since the program/plan has been in place. We, along with numerous Attorneys General, the Conference of Mayors and other local officials, urged EPA to address our security concerns prior to issuing its final rule. Unfortunately, EPA has not adequately addressed these concerns and has forced Congress to seek a repeal of the rule and its misguided changes to this important chemical safety program.

“Congressman Mullin and his cosponsors have demonstrated a strong commitment to safeguarding communities, and we urge their colleagues in the House and the Senate to join them in support of this resolution.”

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