WASHINGTON (April 24, 2017) – At the 2017 Responsible Care Conference and Expo this week, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) honored 15 of its member companies and partners for implementing energy efficiency improvements in 2016. ACC presented a total of 51 awards to these companies, 17 of which were deemed programs of “Exceptional Merit.”
The Responsible Care Energy Efficiency Awards program is among ACC’s many ongoing initiatives to improve energy efficiency. Member companies are required to consider operational energy efficiency as well as waste minimization, reuse and recycling when developing their environmental, health, safety and security plans.
"Chemistry makes essential contributions to energy efficiency and sustainability,” said ACC President and CEO Cal Dooley. “By implementing energy efficiency programs and projects, our companies also reduce costs and enhance their competitiveness in the global marketplace.”
ACC’s Responsible Care Partners strive to continually improve environmental, health, safety and security performance for operations and business activities involving products manufactured by our members. This year, Kansas City Southern Railway Company became the first Responsible Care Partner to receive an Exceptional Merit designation for their winning project.
The 2017 Energy Efficiency Award winners were selected from the following five categories:
The “Energy Efficiency Program” award is given to companies with broad programs to achieve energy-efficiency improvements, with components such as establishing energy teams, goal setting, communications, management support and recognition.
The “Significant Improvement in Manufacturing” award is given to companies that improve energy efficiency in their manufacturing operations through technical innovations, creative projects or novel procedures or actions.
The “Environmental Impact” award is given for initiatives with substantial environmental benefits, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to improvements in energy efficiency.
The “Non-Manufacturing Improvement” award is given for improvements resulting from energy-efficient lighting, insulation and other building improvements, as well as other non-manufacturing energy improvements.
The “Public Outreach” award is given for an effective program of involvement with the community regarding energy efficiency and related environmental impact activities.
The companies receiving awards in 2017 are:
Afton Chemical Corporation
- BASF Corporation*
- Celanese
- Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP*
- Dakota Gasification Company*
- Dow*
- Eastman Chemical Company*
- El Dorado Nitrogen LLC*
- ExxonMobil Chemical Company
- Hexion Inc.
- Kansas City Southern Railway Company* - a Responsible Care Partner
- Occidental Chemical Corporation*
- Olin Corporation*
- The Chemours Company
Below is a summary of the awards by category. Some companies won multiple awards for each category. An asterisk (*) denotes an “Exceptional Merit” award designation for at least one of the projects awarded:
Energy Efficiency Program
BASF Corporation*
- Celanese
Olin Corporation*
Environmental Impact
- El Dorado Nitrogen LLC*
- Occidental Chemical Corporation
Significant Improvement in Manufacturing
BASF Corporation
- Celanese
- Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP*
- Dakota Gasification Company*
- Dow*
- Eastman Chemical Company*
- ExxonMobil Chemical Company
- Hexion Inc.
- Occidental Chemical Corporation*
- Olin Corporation*
Non-Manufacturing Improvement
Afton Chemical Corporation
- BASF Corporation
- Eastman Chemical Company*
- ExxonMobil Chemical Company
- Hexion Inc.
- Kansas City Southern Railway Company* - a Responsible Care Partner
- Occidental Chemical Corporation
Individual ACC member companies nominate specific projects for recognition under the award program. The judging committee that determined the winners is comprised of selected member companies from ACC’s Energy Team. The judging committee was joined by James Eggebrecht, professor of engineering and director of the Energy Systems Laboratory at Texas A&M University, and additional experts in the field of energy efficiency, including the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD).
Award winners were announced and recognized at the opening of the 2017 Responsible Care Conference and Expo in Miami, April 23-26. For more information about the conference, please visit http://www.rcconference.org.