
Chemistry in Economy

Chemistry is essential to our everyday lives and the economy. The business of chemistry transforms the natural raw materials of the earth, sea and air into products that we use every day. The business of chemistry drives innovation and creates jobs and economic growth by creating products that bring major societal benefits to quality of life, health, productivity, convenience and safety.

The science and materials of chemistry make the lives of Americans and others throughout the world healthier, safer, and more sustainable and more productive. Indeed, our food, safe water supply, clothing, shelter, health care, computer technology, clean energy sources, transportation and every other facet of modern life, all depend upon the business of chemistry.


  • Business of Chemistry: Situation and Outlook
    Gain insight into the short-term industry outlook with this semi-annual report issued in June and December.

  • Guide to the Business of Chemistry
    This data-packed resource provides a comprehensive 10-year statistical overview, plus analysis of the present situation and long-term outlook for the U.S. chemical industry.

  • American Chemistry Industry Fact Sheet
    This document summarizes key facts and figures related to the business of chemistry.

  • U.S. Short Term Indicators
    This monthly report provides comprehensive historical data from 1987 to the present covering the business of chemistry and macroeconomic topics. 

  • Chlor-alkali Industry Facts
    The chlor-alkali industry applies the energy of electricity to the “salt of the earth” to produce three of the most useful chemical building blocks: chlorine, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen.

  • Chlorine State Facts and Economic Contributions
    The chlorine industry contributes over $46 billion to the North American economy annually and helps provide thousands of vital products. Consumers derive economic benefits from the involvement of chlorine chemistry in critical aspects of healthcare, the nation’s drinking water supply, agriculture, construction, renewable energy and energy efficiency, communications, and technological innovation.
