SustainabilityChemistry is the Science Behind Sustainability – the products, technologies and innovations enabled by the chemical industry are essential to a sustainable future.
Science & ResearchACC is investing in research to improve understanding of how chemicals impact health and the environment.
CPTD Panel GroupsThe Chemical Products and Technology Division (CPTD) represents more than 70 self-funded, chemical-specific groups focused on the business of chemistry.
News News & ResourcesView our resource center to find press releases, testimonies, infographics and more.
ISDS as a Catalyst for Growth: The U.S. Chemical Industry’s Case for Stronger Investment Protections Under the USMCAU.S. chemicals manufacturers welcomed last Friday’s signing of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in Buenos Aires, however, legitimate concerns remain.
American Chemistry MattersA blog of the American Chemistry Council: driving innovation, creating jobs, and enhancing safety.
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