America’s chemical makers create innovative products that help protect the environment, from fuel additives to lightweight, recyclable plastic packaging to “scrubbers” at coal-fired power facilities that dramatically reduce pollution. In fact, a
groundbreaking study in 2009 by McKinsey & Company found that products of chemistry save twice the greenhouse gas emissions than are emitted making the products.
We employ this innovative spirit at our own facilities through the
Responsible Care® initiative that is mandatory for all
ACC members. Among the results: Between 2008 and 2013, Responsible Care companies have reduced hazardous releases to the air, land and water by more than 75 percent, SOx emissions by about 47 percent, and NOx emissions by about 36 percent.
But there is more to be done. While we continuously improve our own performance, we also advocate cost-effective laws and regulations that improve our nation’s overall environmental performance and provide clear direction for American manufacturing.
America’s environmental policies must promote the shared national goal of a healthy environment while encouraging innovation and high-skilled, high-paying jobs in the business of chemistry here at home.
Environmental Regulations
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations that would restrict emissions from myriad facilities are impractical and will cost American jobs—these regulations must be improved or stopped.
Ozone: On October 1, 2015, EPA lowered the ozone NAAQS to 70 parts per billion. The new standards took effect on December 28, 2015. EPA must provide prompt guidance explaining how manufacturing facilities may obtain a permit under the new standards.
Boiler MACT: EPA’s standards on air emissions for hundreds of thousands of enterprises contain provisions need more work to be achievable—these standards must be improved.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions: EPA’s regulations on GHG emissions from industrial facilities are ill-founded and would impose new requirements on potentially millions of stationary sources across the country.