Climate change is a global challenge that requires long-term commitment and action by every segment of society. America’s chemical industry supports efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
ACC’s Policy Position
As Congress develops strategies to fight climate change, ACC members have adopted a set of
Climate Policy Principles. A combination of technology, market-based, and policy solutions will be necessary to reduce GHG emissions and achieve climate goals, such as those of the Paris Agreement. A summary of climate policy positions is available here.
Climate policies must ensure the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing. Many of the products made by energy-intensive,
trade-exposed industries help society reduce GHG emissions. These industries are essential to achieving climate progress.
Providing Solutions
Chemistry-based products and technologies support the fight against climate change through a variety of applications such as renewable energy sources, electric and high-efficiency vehicles, and building materials that reduce energy consumption. Chemical industry scientists are developing new emission reduction technologies and clean energy alternatives to safeguard the environment and people around the world.
Improving Performance
ACC’s Sustainability Principles include a commitment to achieving measurable reductions in GHG emissions in the manufacture and distribution of our products. Responsible Care® is the foundation for our industry’s commitment to sustainability. Our members are continually seeking new ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions.
Driving Innovation
Chemical makers are among the manufacturers using natural gas to create two forms of energy—steam and electricity—for industrial facilities. Known as “combined heat and power” (CHP), this energy is generated close to where it is needed, so little is lost in transmission. CHP can produce energy twice as efficiently as older coal-burning electric utilities.
The chemical industry has been a pioneer in the development of catalytic technologies. Catalysts are added substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction so that less energy is used per unit of product. Reduced emissions in modern cars, pharmaceutical breakthroughs that improve health, increased crop yields, and energy-saving laundry detergents are made possible by catalysis. About 90 percent of all chemical processes employ catalysis in production, and R&D can enable further advancements.
We support the development of new technologies to reduce GHG emissions and strengthen competitiveness in U.S. industry. Developing new ways to produce process heat and power industrial equipment will be critical to meeting the climate challenge.