Center for Chemical Safety
A Resource for Partnering on Efficient Chemical Management
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
In June 2016, a bipartisan majority in Congress amended the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), giving the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expanded authority to regulate chemicals in commerce in the United States.
The chemical industry is fully committed to supporting EPA’s effective and efficient implementation of TSCA. The American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) Center for Chemical Safety (the Center) serves as a scientific, technical and advocacy hub that will assist ACC members and non-members to navigate the TSCA risk evaluation process. Stakeholder participation will help ensure EPA has sufficient information to conduct thorough evaluations based on hazard, use, and exposure. The chemical industry’s growth, technological innovation, and global competitiveness depends upon the active participation of stakeholders.
TSCA Risk Evaluation Consortia
Under TSCA, chemical manufacturers, processors, importers and downstream users of chemistry have multiple opportunities to provide input to EPA, and may be subject to Agency requests for additional information. The Center helps stakeholders collaborate on the development of information, share costs and provide critical input to EPA on chemical prioritization, risk evaluation and risk management options.
In an effort to share costs and promote efficiency, companies may wish to form consortia to collaborate on the development of comments or new data to submit to EPA. These collaborative efforts can also help inform EPA decisions on chemical prioritization, risk evaluation and risk management options. To learn more, visit one of the Center’s established consortia:
Join a TSCA Risk Evaluation Consortium
The consortia welcome new members. Companies that have not yet expressed an interest in joining are urged to do so as soon as possible. Please
contact Robert Simon by email or by phone at (202) 249-6700 for more information.
TSCA Section 5 Testing Consortium
In 2017, ACC formed the TSCA Section 5 Testing Consortium, housed within the Center. Since its creation, ACC has been actively working with EPA to address the Agency’s draft New Chemical Categories for four lung-effect categories: General Surfactants, Polycationic Substances, Waterproofing Agents and Insoluble Polymer Lung Overload. The Consortium represents chemical manufacturers either affected by or anticipating future impact by the draft lung-effect categories, and is dedicated to working toward collaborative solutions with EPA to ensure the chemical industry’s continued ability to innovate and introduce new chemicals to the market, while ensuring appropriate review of new chemicals’ safety.
The Consortium’s activities include:
- Compiling pertinent data for each chemical category to determine data needs,
- Exploring viability of alternative testing protocols,
- Forming working groups within the Consortium to specifically address issues unique to each of the chemical categories,
- Continuing to meet with EPA to discuss technical and scientific issues regarding EPA’s draft chemical categories.
While fully underway, the Consortium is still welcoming new members. Companies that have not yet expressed an interest in joining are urged to do so as soon as possible, especially if they would like to participate in any future meetings with EPA. Please contact Sahar Osman-Sypher at (202) 249-6721 for more information.
Learn About Becoming an ACC Member
Click here to learn more about this exciting opportunity.