Steve Russell
Vice President of Plastics Division
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As Vice President of American Chemistry Council’s Plastics Department, Mr. Russell is responsible for promoting the benefits and innovations of plastics to consumers, policy makers, and in key end use markets. Working with CEOs and member company executives, he leads the development and implementation of proactive programs and partnerships to promote sustainable solutions, and works with stakeholders to address unwarranted bans/taxes of plastic products.
Most recently, Mr. Russell was Managing Director of ACC’s Plastics Division. Since joining ACC in 1995, he has served as Senior Legal Counsel and Senior Director for Health, Products and Science Policy. In that capacity he led the development of innovative programs and approaches to advocacy and chemical management policies at the state, federal and international levels. Mr. Russell also negotiated ACC’s program to make safety information publicly available for high production volume (HPV) chemicals. Additionally, he was actively involved in the development and implementation of the European Union’s Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) legislation, and has represented the voice of the business community on a wide range of environmental programs at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Mr. Russell received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Kansas, and his law degree from California Western School of Law.
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